I can't cosplay or dress up as "most" characters because my skin color.
Recently on Facebook, there is a page called Jinx for league of legends, a game I play sometimes. The admin posts pictures of people cosplaying as Jinx. I saw one of the pictures of this female cosplaying as her and I didn't like her cosplay. A cosplay is someone who dresses up as the person they're portraying or like. Let's say I want to be Spongebob Squarepants, so I will cosplay as him. Her eyebrows were drawn in, her eye color contacts were off, her wig was clearly fake and she did a terrible job at it Like she didn't even put effort into it. The picture is here and based off my opinion, I thought it was the worst cosplay I seen and where is Jinx's tattoos!!!!!!! Here's a picture of the person this girl was cosplaying and her and if you notice, the girl cosplaying as jinx; her hair isn't even styled right.
Girl cosplaying as Jinx:

The real Jinx:

Now, I put my opinion on the picture saying how poorly it was done and the page owner, Jinx commented back. So you can do it better? All I said was, "That wig is so fake. I want to see real blue hair!And Jinx's eyes are purple." Quoted right from Facebook. I was on my phone doing this so I can't directly respond to the comment she sent me and I said " I only do cosplay a if I am 100 positive I have every part of it in check. And Deesi that was racist, my skin color has nothing to do with why I can't cosplay any person. My skin color is brown not black, you fucking idiot. Go back to kindergarten and learn your colors. I at least I'm not the one using anime pictures as a profile picture because I'm insecure.".
What started out as a little disagreement, ended up into a race problem all because one girl I reported for racism, said "She can't because she's black". I'm African American but that is no reason why I should be stopped from doing anything, my skin color. So I can't cosplay as any character because I'm brown? Do you even know how many characters are brown that I can cosplay as? Not many; to be honest, barely enough. The only one I know of is Storm. Here's a bright idea, if the media and gaming stop making most of the characters they make up Caucasian, and start making more diverse games and shit maybe it would be easier for me to cosplay as them. There are no black females in League of legends, except for one black guy and that's probably because they were sick of hearing the shit from people telling them to stop just making white champions for league of legends. I'm sick of seeing them in game, I want to see something new. But that's not the point, I should be allowed to cosplay who I damn well please. You do realize most characters in cartoons, video games, and computer games are mostly Caucasian? How they try to manipulate some of the characters and make them white when they weren't originally but they don't want any of their original white characters turned black, white, or Asian. You know the Disney princesses, how almost all of them are white and not to mention they came out with 3 movies with 3 more white princesses like tangled, brave, and the newest movie coming out, who is just Swedish to cover up the fact that she's white. So no, I don't have much of an option when it comes to cosplaying and no I am not going to go online and be like super picky, oh hey. I can't cosplay as her because she's white and I'm not. I know damn well that I am contacting League of Legends and complaining about what just happened on Facebook and they should be a damn shame. Don't let anyone tell you, you can't do something because of you're skin color. That's by far the dumbest thing I heard and I want people to read this and hear me out and here's my chance to come out with a brown skinned female champion that would blow their minds away. Here's pictures of the discussion that happened on Facebook.
Girl cosplaying as Jinx:

The real Jinx:
Now, I put my opinion on the picture saying how poorly it was done and the page owner, Jinx commented back. So you can do it better? All I said was, "That wig is so fake. I want to see real blue hair!And Jinx's eyes are purple." Quoted right from Facebook. I was on my phone doing this so I can't directly respond to the comment she sent me and I said " I only do cosplay a if I am 100 positive I have every part of it in check. And Deesi that was racist, my skin color has nothing to do with why I can't cosplay any person. My skin color is brown not black, you fucking idiot. Go back to kindergarten and learn your colors. I at least I'm not the one using anime pictures as a profile picture because I'm insecure.".
What started out as a little disagreement, ended up into a race problem all because one girl I reported for racism, said "She can't because she's black". I'm African American but that is no reason why I should be stopped from doing anything, my skin color. So I can't cosplay as any character because I'm brown? Do you even know how many characters are brown that I can cosplay as? Not many; to be honest, barely enough. The only one I know of is Storm. Here's a bright idea, if the media and gaming stop making most of the characters they make up Caucasian, and start making more diverse games and shit maybe it would be easier for me to cosplay as them. There are no black females in League of legends, except for one black guy and that's probably because they were sick of hearing the shit from people telling them to stop just making white champions for league of legends. I'm sick of seeing them in game, I want to see something new. But that's not the point, I should be allowed to cosplay who I damn well please. You do realize most characters in cartoons, video games, and computer games are mostly Caucasian? How they try to manipulate some of the characters and make them white when they weren't originally but they don't want any of their original white characters turned black, white, or Asian. You know the Disney princesses, how almost all of them are white and not to mention they came out with 3 movies with 3 more white princesses like tangled, brave, and the newest movie coming out, who is just Swedish to cover up the fact that she's white. So no, I don't have much of an option when it comes to cosplaying and no I am not going to go online and be like super picky, oh hey. I can't cosplay as her because she's white and I'm not. I know damn well that I am contacting League of Legends and complaining about what just happened on Facebook and they should be a damn shame. Don't let anyone tell you, you can't do something because of you're skin color. That's by far the dumbest thing I heard and I want people to read this and hear me out and here's my chance to come out with a brown skinned female champion that would blow their minds away. Here's pictures of the discussion that happened on Facebook.
Now why would I want to be white? I'm glad I'm in the skin that I am because I learned a lot from it. And no I don't want to be white because you're ancestors enslaved mine. As you can see, I did not mention race at all or decided to be racist back. Not to mention, I'd dye my hair blue and get extensions to look like Jinx, not throw on a wig. I'm sorry I can't help it if I was born this way. You're just jealous. Good bye.
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