Cops are getting away with murder.
It all boils down to this. We all want Wilson dead or in prison and we want him to loose his job if he hasn't already. He's so guilty but the jury is saving his ass. I see so many videos and pictures of injustice and police brutality and justice for Mike Brown but not just him. EVERY person that has been wrongfully executed by the police. Mike Brown's death has sparked a movement that has caused thousands to millions of people protesting and putting their hands up, telling the police to "not shoot".
This is my first time talking about this on my blog but it's been talked about so much on the internet I had too. Not to mention, I don't believe Brown should've been killed like that.
I felt as though I should put a post like these together because I've found so many pictures and videos on the internet that I could collage together to completely explain that the scum of the fucking earth Darren Wilson is guilty. No questions asked.
What we thought was going to be a peaceful protest led into a riot because Wilson will not do justice for what he's done. Yeah, I don't believe these people should be burning down and thrashing their communities to prove a point but who can blame em? These people are still infuriated that Wilson isn't locked up for this shit. Put yourself into this position, if that was your loved one killed like that would you still feel like taking Wilson's side? Not to mention Brown was a high school graduate with no murder charges and no criminal record. COME ON.
My first question is why would anyone let Wilson on TV? Especially after what he fucking said about Brown:

This is my first time talking about this on my blog but it's been talked about so much on the internet I had too. Not to mention, I don't believe Brown should've been killed like that.
I felt as though I should put a post like these together because I've found so many pictures and videos on the internet that I could collage together to completely explain that the scum of the fucking earth Darren Wilson is guilty. No questions asked.
What we thought was going to be a peaceful protest led into a riot because Wilson will not do justice for what he's done. Yeah, I don't believe these people should be burning down and thrashing their communities to prove a point but who can blame em? These people are still infuriated that Wilson isn't locked up for this shit. Put yourself into this position, if that was your loved one killed like that would you still feel like taking Wilson's side? Not to mention Brown was a high school graduate with no murder charges and no criminal record. COME ON.
My first question is why would anyone let Wilson on TV? Especially after what he fucking said about Brown:
What the fuck? He would shoot Brown again if he could. What kind of.....If he would do this again doesn't that mean he might do this again to any other black person? Sure the hell he would. That's why he deserves to be locked up because he a piece of shit. If you haven't heard the story, Wilson shot an unarmed man in the middle of the street, he is guilty. There is so much evidence and proof that Wilson is guilty it's ridiculous but its finally taken the court this long to decide whether he was indicted or not and last night on 11/26/14 we find out Darren Wilson was not guilty of killing Mike Brown.
May he rest in peace.
This is a huge race issue and everyone is right, it is a race issue. Although, in my opinion, whether Brown was white, black, hispanic. spanish, etc. I don't give a shit what his skin color was.....he was wrongfully executed.
Here's some things to think about:
I have a comment with this. I agree on it. We seem to praise these types of celebrities, especially Miley and Katy now. White people keep telling us, oh....Hannah Montana was just someone Miley acted as and she's allowed to be whoever she wants.

This is memorial service for Brown where he was shot at in the middle of the street. Some mother fucker had the nerve to burn it down or trash his memorial from what I heard and I don't remember who.
Agreed. I read some post on the forums
I really love this painting. Not only is it pretty and well drawn, it has a significant meaning.

"official court document photograph shown to the grand jury of the injuries sustained by officer darren wilson after he murdered michael brown" from
That's weird. I was reading on the forums by some jack ass that there is proof that Brown attacked Wilson. Oh really? This fucking picture shows that Wilson is untouched. You don't see a single scratch mark on him. BUT THE JURY AND HE CLAIMS THAT BROWN ATTACKED HIM. Bold face lie. Cops lies and the jury lies too.
Ever heard about this story? Read more here
I was reading one of the comments on the page:
I don't even know what "life sustaining activities" mean but now the police are just making up excuses left to right.
Also showed this story about Holmes to one of the people on the forums. Their excuse? He got hospitalized, so what?
People on the forums also saying how violent the protesters were acting? Hmm, why do you think they were acting that way? Why?

They are getting away with murder and it's taken people THIS long to do something about this. Weird.
I got a lot of down votes on the forums even after posting some of this evidence. They ones who don't believe in this is delusional. Yeah? ^ To the picture above. They've waited too long to make a decision because they were trying to figure a way out to keep Wilson from going to jail.
I've also told them, you do realize Wilson wanted to resign? And someone said that's because you've probably harassed him into doing it. Wrong. Wilson doesn't even know me nor does he know I exist but if he did, he would probably just want to shoot me because I'm black too.
Even being the sweetest and most mannered person can still get you shot or even wearing a hoodie. I'm afraid to even go out in public without fearing a cop might shoot me because I'm black.
This shit isn't funny, whoever that is that thinks this is funny deserves to be shot too
WOW. Got in an argument with a bunch of idiots on the forums saying that Brown was a thug. They said he was in the middle of the street preventing traffic from going through and he stole from a store. Someone also said he attacked Wilson but how is that possible if he was no where near Wilson's car when he was shot. Someone also said he "deserved to die" and why feel bad for the family? Um, pretty sure that even if you stole something your family would be devastated if you were killed NO MATTER WHAT. So what are you trying to prove? I wanted to take some screenshots of their stupidity but the topic reach post limit and Blizzard disabled anything posted about Ferguson on their forums.
It kind of annoys me seeing anyone I know or have seen before not talking about Mike Brown. I was even talking to one of my teachers today and she's never heard of this story until the day I told her.
I've seen most of this stuff on Tumblr and Twitter. I think I like Shaun King's tweets the most and you should definitely consider following him Shaun King's Tweets
He's an activist and a good one. I know one of the people on the forums telling me how a bunch of random tweets isn't enough evidence. Weird. They aren't
I texted my dad last night that Mike Brown's killer was not indicted and that black lives don't matter and he agreed. What a shame. I'm scared for my brothers, I have 4 (now 5) of them and I swear to God, I hope they never experience this or I will riot more than what's going on here in America. It's like segregation all over again.
Read the first comment yaboylilb. Let me comment on that real quick. Obviously the creator of OP's (original poster) account is uneducated because burning the American flag is actually a freedom of speech. Don't believe me? Look it up. I'll bet you. And you being behind an American flag makes you any better? No.
And why wouldn't it be?
Wait. I wonder why the protesters turned into rioters. Probably because the police are now using excessive force like they've always had. They are over a thousand cops in Ferguson and they've burned Brown's church down. Um, doing this to churches....should be illegal.
Another reason he was lying."This is Darren Wilson’s neck. They’re trying to pass this off as a bruise. The thing is, it’s not. This is a birthmark called Naevus flammeus nuchae, or stork mark. My father has one, my uncle has one, my cousin has one. They’re actually quite common."
I want to put some videos up but I can't copy urls from random sites. :(
Wait, nevermind? lol
After writing this post. I (NIA) should be a fucking journalist, this was beautiful. I've tried my best to source a lot of this stuff and to be honest, I found most of these pictures and videos off of Tumblr that didn't show a source but just a tumblr user's name. So forgive me. I want to thank everyone who helped me make this with the great sources and pictures and videos. By the way, I might update this later on if I find new pictures and videos to put up here. Black lives matter.
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