Remember the scene kid days?
God, I do. Back in 2009-2010 (11 ish) was this phase that teenage girls and boys (mostly girls) went through were they wanted to be scene kids so bad. Scene is dead now and I'm not into like I was a couple years ago. It's kind of neat reminiscing on the past but most importantly the famous scene queens and kings of 2009. I'm still trying to find some of them on Tumblr. I remember in 2011, people would say the scene kids today were nothing like they were 2 years ago. '09 scene kids were the best and always will be. These kids would either have Myspace or VampireFreaks and eventually got tired of the fakes so they would make proof videos and signs. That is true. The scene kids today way try too hard and they do realize scene is dead? Stop trying to bring it back please. I'm more into the harajuku fashion. I still do wish I was internet famous though just not for being scene, for actually doing something.

The look isn't for everyone, apparently but here are some that rocked it perfectly.

And these made me laugh:

Some of the scene kids you can't tell they are sometimes. Just think of them as teenagers with teased hair, lots of hairspray, shit loads of makeup, obsessed with gloomy bear, and takes tons of selfies who they put on their myspace pages to add thousands of people they don't know just for popularity. I remember when I really want to be a scene queen and then I wanted to be emo. Let's not forget almost every scene kid had raccon hair extenstions they got from Claire's in their hair. While it's still pretty neat because of the color combos. I just never went through with it because I never had the money to afford hair dye and hair extensions and my mom still wouldn't let me dye my hair but now I can because I'm an adult! Not to mention, I thought I would look horrible with bright hair colors because my skin was too dark?
I particularly didn't like Kiki Kannibal or Jac Vanek or Audrey Kitching but they were supposedly the ones that started the scene trend. I don't like Kiki because of this story that she was dating this emo kid (he was cute) and he was too old for her but she didn't care or listen and still dated him anyway but he was trialed as a sex offender and the cops caught him one day and he ran away from them, jumped off a 2 story building and landed in the garbage and died. A lot of people don't like her anymore because of that story. Don't believe me? Look it up. They're saying she had something to do with his death and I believe it.
I do still like Hannie Dropkick, Amber McCrackin, Katie Daniels, Jenn Curbstomp, Brokelle Bones, Luke Nugent, and some others. A lot of of the scene kids that were famous back in 09 disspeared and I still can't find them on the internet like Curbstomp, Bones, Dropkick, etc. I found an inactive twitter account of Vanna Jordan but she hasn't been on that account in 2 years. I think Dropkick still looks cute even if she wasn't in her scene phase anymore because she went to being gyaru and she looked awesome in it. Here:

I also remember faking some of these girls because they were so pretty and I wanted to look just like them but I stopped catfishing people because it's wrong. I even faked a boy from my school for like 2 days. lol No joke. Check Vampire Freaks fakes for a list of people who added way too many people on Myspace to get friends and popularity but winded up with over 1000s of people faking them. People would even use pictures of different people and claimed that it was them even though all their pictures weren't the same picture. Or people who thought they were faking a boy was really a girl.
The main character of my book went through her scene phase all of high school but grew out of it after senior year before she went to college.

The look isn't for everyone, apparently but here are some that rocked it perfectly.
And these made me laugh:
Some of the scene kids you can't tell they are sometimes. Just think of them as teenagers with teased hair, lots of hairspray, shit loads of makeup, obsessed with gloomy bear, and takes tons of selfies who they put on their myspace pages to add thousands of people they don't know just for popularity. I remember when I really want to be a scene queen and then I wanted to be emo. Let's not forget almost every scene kid had raccon hair extenstions they got from Claire's in their hair. While it's still pretty neat because of the color combos. I just never went through with it because I never had the money to afford hair dye and hair extensions and my mom still wouldn't let me dye my hair but now I can because I'm an adult! Not to mention, I thought I would look horrible with bright hair colors because my skin was too dark?
I particularly didn't like Kiki Kannibal or Jac Vanek or Audrey Kitching but they were supposedly the ones that started the scene trend. I don't like Kiki because of this story that she was dating this emo kid (he was cute) and he was too old for her but she didn't care or listen and still dated him anyway but he was trialed as a sex offender and the cops caught him one day and he ran away from them, jumped off a 2 story building and landed in the garbage and died. A lot of people don't like her anymore because of that story. Don't believe me? Look it up. They're saying she had something to do with his death and I believe it.
I do still like Hannie Dropkick, Amber McCrackin, Katie Daniels, Jenn Curbstomp, Brokelle Bones, Luke Nugent, and some others. A lot of of the scene kids that were famous back in 09 disspeared and I still can't find them on the internet like Curbstomp, Bones, Dropkick, etc. I found an inactive twitter account of Vanna Jordan but she hasn't been on that account in 2 years. I think Dropkick still looks cute even if she wasn't in her scene phase anymore because she went to being gyaru and she looked awesome in it. Here:
I also remember faking some of these girls because they were so pretty and I wanted to look just like them but I stopped catfishing people because it's wrong. I even faked a boy from my school for like 2 days. lol No joke. Check Vampire Freaks fakes for a list of people who added way too many people on Myspace to get friends and popularity but winded up with over 1000s of people faking them. People would even use pictures of different people and claimed that it was them even though all their pictures weren't the same picture. Or people who thought they were faking a boy was really a girl.
The main character of my book went through her scene phase all of high school but grew out of it after senior year before she went to college.
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