New elin ninja class confirmed for Tera Online?
So it seems like it's confirmed the next class is once again (x2) is going to be for elin only. I don't even know why people call it gender lock since elin is specifically female only race so technically that's not even relevant. Elin, last year have already gotten a class locked to their race only and now they're getting another one.
The ninja class has been rumored online especially while I was leveling and heard people talking and complaining about the new class being for elin only. So I look into a little and heard some streamer data mined these things.

They're cute af, in my opinion. Love the weapons and outfits and yet to have anything else to say about them.
The past couple classes have been specifically for females. Reaper, gunner, brawler and now this.
Honestly, I don't care about the gender/race lock. Actually love it; think it's funny that people are really upset about this. It's good girls are having something nice for a change and I don't want to hear all this, "Oh, that's not fair that bluehole keeps making classes for girls/women only and race locking them." I laugh, grin, and smirk reading the comments about it.
Then, I wanted to look further into the class. I was googling elin ninja class to find about more about the class. See if there's any spoilers on it already and found this interesting video on it from YouTube.
Here's a video I found about the new elin ninja only class:
If you open the video on YouTube, you can find all the comments against the gender/race lock. Like race/gender lock too OP. Please nerf. :P
Or another gender/race lock class. Fuck you bluehole! GG
I'm sorry but it's humorous. Then again, doing this does piss post your player base community off since a lot of people have been complaining about it recently.
People are actually starting to hate elin because of this which isn't a reason to be mad at the race but the developers. The developers of the game have been saying that they do these race/gender lock because it's takes less time to do the animations for every gender and race. I can see that and agree with it because I hate waiting too long for new classes to come out unlike other people and that's a half and half thing. A lot of people say they don't care they'd rather wait then have race/gender which I believe some of them but the others sound like bs. Don't think they'd really want to wait. Waiting months is already long enough.
Elin have been stereotyped as little girls/weeabo and something/a sad excuse fat pedophile virgin ugly guys who live in their basement use to play and fap too. I totally disagree because I'm a female with an average size body (big thighs and bit of a belly) and elin by far are my favorite race. Mostly because I love small, cute, pink, kawaii, and adorable stuff and at the same time I like dark, black, gothic, bloody, gorey shit. So it's half and half. Yeah, there are some females who love elin too and I told you why. I would not consider myself a weeabo because I love japanese culture but I'm not a poser.
Elin are not little girls, they are actually woman that are thousands of years old, lore wise and just because you're short doesn't mean you're young. They suffer from dwarfism like most midgets in real life. Plenty of midgets who are adults. So people need to stop with
I think a real reason why people hate elin is because they're short. There's a thing for that, people who fear short people/hate short people. That's called Anthropomycrophobia.
But all that being said, I can't wait! Elin are my favorite class and regardless of race/gender lock, this looks fun as fuck. Saved a free character slot just for my new elin class.
Then again if the next class gets gender lock to female again, then there might be a problem. Soon enough, there going to have to stop if they really want to keep most their play base. And for all the people complaining about this, I think you guys just need to be more patience. I do think eventually they're going to gender/race lock classes for males or at least classes for all races and genders.
The ninja class has been rumored online especially while I was leveling and heard people talking and complaining about the new class being for elin only. So I look into a little and heard some streamer data mined these things.

They're cute af, in my opinion. Love the weapons and outfits and yet to have anything else to say about them.
The past couple classes have been specifically for females. Reaper, gunner, brawler and now this.
Honestly, I don't care about the gender/race lock. Actually love it; think it's funny that people are really upset about this. It's good girls are having something nice for a change and I don't want to hear all this, "Oh, that's not fair that bluehole keeps making classes for girls/women only and race locking them." I laugh, grin, and smirk reading the comments about it.
Then, I wanted to look further into the class. I was googling elin ninja class to find about more about the class. See if there's any spoilers on it already and found this interesting video on it from YouTube.
Here's a video I found about the new elin ninja only class:
Or another gender/race lock class. Fuck you bluehole! GG
I'm sorry but it's humorous. Then again, doing this does piss post your player base community off since a lot of people have been complaining about it recently.
People are actually starting to hate elin because of this which isn't a reason to be mad at the race but the developers. The developers of the game have been saying that they do these race/gender lock because it's takes less time to do the animations for every gender and race. I can see that and agree with it because I hate waiting too long for new classes to come out unlike other people and that's a half and half thing. A lot of people say they don't care they'd rather wait then have race/gender which I believe some of them but the others sound like bs. Don't think they'd really want to wait. Waiting months is already long enough.
Elin have been stereotyped as little girls/weeabo and something/a sad excuse fat pedophile virgin ugly guys who live in their basement use to play and fap too. I totally disagree because I'm a female with an average size body (big thighs and bit of a belly) and elin by far are my favorite race. Mostly because I love small, cute, pink, kawaii, and adorable stuff and at the same time I like dark, black, gothic, bloody, gorey shit. So it's half and half. Yeah, there are some females who love elin too and I told you why. I would not consider myself a weeabo because I love japanese culture but I'm not a poser.
Elin are not little girls, they are actually woman that are thousands of years old, lore wise and just because you're short doesn't mean you're young. They suffer from dwarfism like most midgets in real life. Plenty of midgets who are adults. So people need to stop with
I think a real reason why people hate elin is because they're short. There's a thing for that, people who fear short people/hate short people. That's called Anthropomycrophobia.
But all that being said, I can't wait! Elin are my favorite class and regardless of race/gender lock, this looks fun as fuck. Saved a free character slot just for my new elin class.
Then again if the next class gets gender lock to female again, then there might be a problem. Soon enough, there going to have to stop if they really want to keep most their play base. And for all the people complaining about this, I think you guys just need to be more patience. I do think eventually they're going to gender/race lock classes for males or at least classes for all races and genders.
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