My gaia
I've been on gaia for years, you could say. I'm on and off with it but I think right now, I'm on the site a little more. A little more than usually, I guess like once a day now since I'm getting back into gaia. Here's my current avi:

Isn't she cute af? The reason I love sites like these is because I love fashion and dressing up my own avis the way I want them.
I guess that's why I'm on gaia more now. See, I use to be really into imvu. I use to be on that like all the time but I got sick of it. Well bored, the feeling I had for imvu the first time I joined isn't the same feeling I have today.
The people aren't the same and as friendly as they were years ago and all my old friends left or just disappeared. I only like to go on to buy cute stuff but not interact with others. I'm never deleting my account though because I invested blood and sweat into getting the username and avi to where it's at now. Meaning buying all the clothes, furniture, and houses with credits I worked hard for. That's why I won't delete it becuase I'll feel like I wasted money and time into the account, I'll probably never be able to get back.
But it sucks because on imvu, there's still hundreds of things I wanted to buy before actually quitting but I guess that's an unfilled dream, oh well.
My imvu is aliens by the way, if you want to look me up.
I think what I was most disappointed in imvu is the fact that you can clear your wishlist. Meaning totally wipe everything from it. Although it's a good idea (I guess) the clear wishlist shouldn't be so f
One day I accidentally cleared my wishlist and it wiped everything (over 9-11k) things off my wishlist I really needed. I was ruined and upset hoping I could get all the stuff I wanted to save up to buy one day and it's gone. Unbelievable, right?
Honestly, I'd dress up like my avi irl. No joke. But anyway, I'd try other sites like imvu. For example meez, secondlife, gaiaonline, and shit like that.
I never really got into secondlife (even though the avis and stuff were cool) because the currency for the sit was mostly just paying for currency and I didn't have money at the time. Also, the site is barely popular and doesn't have any ads like imvu does. So it's not that populated.
I like imvu's pixels more than all the other sites. There's this one site like imvu I went on but I forgot the name of it. :( Oh wait, it's called zwinky!
I'm surprised it still exists.
As for gaia, I have a couple outfits of my previous avi to show you:

Yes, my avis did evolve from hideous to uber adorable.
At first, I wasn't sure how to make money to buy the expensive shit on gaia but then I started buying the cheap shit and then using gaia cash to buy the expensive items I don't feel like saving gold up for. Then I thought hey, I could cheat my way through making gold by inviting random people as friends
They're ton of other ways to make money but that requires too much effort so I just buy gaia cash.
I could do commissions but if the art isn't perfect to me, I'd wouldn't even want to give it up. Then again I'm awful at commisions because I'll feel like I can complete the commision whenever I feel like and that might take weeks depending on how lazy I am.
My inventory worth so far:
Isn't she cute af? The reason I love sites like these is because I love fashion and dressing up my own avis the way I want them.
I guess that's why I'm on gaia more now. See, I use to be really into imvu. I use to be on that like all the time but I got sick of it. Well bored, the feeling I had for imvu the first time I joined isn't the same feeling I have today.
The people aren't the same and as friendly as they were years ago and all my old friends left or just disappeared. I only like to go on to buy cute stuff but not interact with others. I'm never deleting my account though because I invested blood and sweat into getting the username and avi to where it's at now. Meaning buying all the clothes, furniture, and houses with credits I worked hard for. That's why I won't delete it becuase I'll feel like I wasted money and time into the account, I'll probably never be able to get back.
But it sucks because on imvu, there's still hundreds of things I wanted to buy before actually quitting but I guess that's an unfilled dream, oh well.
My imvu is aliens by the way, if you want to look me up.
I think what I was most disappointed in imvu is the fact that you can clear your wishlist. Meaning totally wipe everything from it. Although it's a good idea (I guess) the clear wishlist shouldn't be so f
One day I accidentally cleared my wishlist and it wiped everything (over 9-11k) things off my wishlist I really needed. I was ruined and upset hoping I could get all the stuff I wanted to save up to buy one day and it's gone. Unbelievable, right?
Honestly, I'd dress up like my avi irl. No joke. But anyway, I'd try other sites like imvu. For example meez, secondlife, gaiaonline, and shit like that.
I never really got into secondlife (even though the avis and stuff were cool) because the currency for the sit was mostly just paying for currency and I didn't have money at the time. Also, the site is barely popular and doesn't have any ads like imvu does. So it's not that populated.
I like imvu's pixels more than all the other sites. There's this one site like imvu I went on but I forgot the name of it. :( Oh wait, it's called zwinky!
I'm surprised it still exists.
As for gaia, I have a couple outfits of my previous avi to show you:
Yes, my avis did evolve from hideous to uber adorable.
At first, I wasn't sure how to make money to buy the expensive shit on gaia but then I started buying the cheap shit and then using gaia cash to buy the expensive items I don't feel like saving gold up for. Then I thought hey, I could cheat my way through making gold by inviting random people as friends
They're ton of other ways to make money but that requires too much effort so I just buy gaia cash.
I could do commissions but if the art isn't perfect to me, I'd wouldn't even want to give it up. Then again I'm awful at commisions because I'll feel like I can complete the commision whenever I feel like and that might take weeks depending on how lazy I am.
My inventory worth so far:
I'm slowly clearing out my wishlist so I can save more stuff to my wishlist.
And here's my stats:
I know, I'm a total babe. But anyway, that sums this post up. I have nothing more to say. ^_^ Toodles!!!
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