There's was this guy I had a crush on ever since high school but that's not how we met. We met through church. We were in the same Sunday school and I saw him a couple times in the church ceremonies and church service early in the morning. Church services are very mundane btw. I always end up falling asleep through them and my mother rudely wakes me up. So yeah, after a while I only go just to see if Coleman's there. He'll show up sometimes.
But I think I first noticed him in VBS. Which stands for vacation Bible school. VBS is a event at church they have for a week or so (I don't remember) and do different activities relating to God. But they're like kiddy activities and they were fun. Every day I'd see that cute guy coleman showing up and that's half the reason I'd go back. The other half was because vbs was actually fun and I enjoyed going there.
That's when I realized he was like best friends with my younger brother Ishmael. So I told my bro to tell him I like him, hook me up with him. And since we aren't arguing and he wasn't pissed at me for once (we don't usually get along), he'd hint to Coleman I liked him. Then I think he told him I liked him which made my heart beat like 8x's as fast.
I was always incredibly awkward talking to guys period. Anything with a dick I was afraid to talk to all the way up until the end of high school but that was because I wasn't confident in myself.
I was relieved when he told me he thought I was hot. That's when we both had a crush on each other I guess.
So we talk and text and I tried to ask him out but he said his mom said no. I think she's racist. I don't think she's comfortable around me and I don't even know her or talk to her! And remind you, at the time I was like 15? What're you afraid of a 15 year old girl for? Which is weird she's racist against blacks because she had 2 kids with a Indian man (who's like a couple complexion darker or lighter than me) and she's white.
I didn't like his mom after that.
Then he moved away. To 3 different places and I haven't seen him in like over 3 years but I miss him. We talk on and off. I just want to see him again and it's so weird we never dated. Well technically we did for like 1 or 2 days until he told his mom and idk why so don't ask.
I want to see him and again and not leave me.
But I think I first noticed him in VBS. Which stands for vacation Bible school. VBS is a event at church they have for a week or so (I don't remember) and do different activities relating to God. But they're like kiddy activities and they were fun. Every day I'd see that cute guy coleman showing up and that's half the reason I'd go back. The other half was because vbs was actually fun and I enjoyed going there.
That's when I realized he was like best friends with my younger brother Ishmael. So I told my bro to tell him I like him, hook me up with him. And since we aren't arguing and he wasn't pissed at me for once (we don't usually get along), he'd hint to Coleman I liked him. Then I think he told him I liked him which made my heart beat like 8x's as fast.
I was always incredibly awkward talking to guys period. Anything with a dick I was afraid to talk to all the way up until the end of high school but that was because I wasn't confident in myself.
I was relieved when he told me he thought I was hot. That's when we both had a crush on each other I guess.
So we talk and text and I tried to ask him out but he said his mom said no. I think she's racist. I don't think she's comfortable around me and I don't even know her or talk to her! And remind you, at the time I was like 15? What're you afraid of a 15 year old girl for? Which is weird she's racist against blacks because she had 2 kids with a Indian man (who's like a couple complexion darker or lighter than me) and she's white.
I didn't like his mom after that.
Then he moved away. To 3 different places and I haven't seen him in like over 3 years but I miss him. We talk on and off. I just want to see him again and it's so weird we never dated. Well technically we did for like 1 or 2 days until he told his mom and idk why so don't ask.
I want to see him and again and not leave me.
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