Reasons why my friends are really acquaintances.
I had sort of an argument with an acquaintance from high school. I use to consider her my friend but now she's pissed me off to a point where I wouldn't even consider her an acquaintance anymore. All I did was ask her if I was ever going to see her again and she rants to me this whole paragraph.
So um yeah I posted her side of the story that was uncalled for when all I ask her was a question. She didn't need to say all of that. smh Let's just make one thing clear, Pearl never hung out with me outside of school. I don't consider her a friend because she isn't one. Why? Because even to this day, even after we graduated she still rarely speaks to me and that's not what friends or even best friends do to each other. I'm always the one who has to text people first and ask them how their day was. They're never the ones to ask me how I'm doing. She wants me to understand where she's coming from and I'm not here for it.
How can you claim me to being negative and you have no proof except the post I make. Don't like it, don't read it. Unfollow me or unfriend me. I'm tired of hiding how I'm really feeling, I'm tired of keeping shit to myself so I'm gonna say and I don't care who's feelings I hurt because I'm tired of hiding my feelings to prevent someone else's from getting hurt so no idc if your feelings get hurt because I'm tired of hiding how I really feel. Don't like the truth, the door is that way. She totally ignored the fact that she was never there for me when I needed it, she actually acted like I never said that. I'm sick of her and I don't need people like her in my life.
If you're barely going to talk to me then no I won't consider you a friend. If you can't say hi or ask how I'm doing or seeing if I'm doing okay (takes likes 5 mins) then don't talk to me. Don't talk to me when you need something.
She was never there for me when I was depressed, suicidal, crying, needed a shoulder to cry on. No, I'd just cry in my room by myself every time in high school. Maybe once or twice I hung out with my friends after school. I was always home most the time.
There's only been one time in high school and middle school where I slept over a friend's house.
She's a dummy, she says she's praying for me. For what? Cause she's a shitty person you'd call a friend?!
This is why I don't have many friends because I don't have many people there for me when I need it. I can't think of five to ten people off the top of my head I'd consider a best friend because they never last. People are so temporary and that's not what I need in my life. I don't need people that just come and go, I need people who are going to be there till the very end.
I don't even have a best friend who's a girl that I can relate too and we wear the same outfits. Those are my goals.
People always stop being friends with me over the dumbest shit. Have you ever lost a friend over something really stupid? I have and it happens all the time.
I remember one time this one guy I was in a relationship didn't want to be friends with me anymore because one day I woke up and said "Hello Daniel" to him and he thought I was acting weird. Said I've been acting weird and all of a sudden, I'm always sad and he didn't want to be around that and then just stopped talking to me.
I thought it was hard to lose a friendship of serious value but I've been friends with like over 40 people in my life and literally all of them over stupid reasons. This other guy, stopped talking to me cause I lovingly called him a piece of shit and he said he didn't want to be called that so I said uh okay. Then I forgot he didn't want to be called that (cause I'm so use to saying it), I accidentally called him it again and he stopped talking to me.
Year later, he adds me back on skype to try to be friends and I told him to fuck off, he was the one who unfriended me over something petty.
Had another friend name Trish stop talking to me out of nowhere, kept asking her why. She was too stupid to tell me why and just kept repeating herself, I just don't want to talk anymore. Are you serious or just stupid?
Another guy I had a crush on who was cute af, stopped talking to me because I was black. I'm serious. Showed him a pic of me after he showed me one of him and asked if I was black? I said yeah and out of no where he stopped replying back to me. Um?
Then one of my friends I've been best friends with for years that I met on Imvu stopped talking to me out of nowhere and never told me why. She blocked me on Fb first, and then on Instagram after I questioned her about it and still never told me till this day.
I told this one guy on my btag that I was tired of being the one to always say hi first and tired of having him on my friend list if he's never going to speak to me and he took the easy way out and unfriended me.
Why do people always take the easy way out and quick to remove someone from their life instead of trying to fix things just quick to hit the block or unfriend button? Literally everyone does this because they don't want to be bothered.
I've had people stop talking to me because they've had sex with me.
The one guy I have a crush on Robert tried to stop talking to me over some stupid. He had the nerve to tell me, you can't force friendships. You're right I don't because if something isn't right and I know they won't change, then I'll drop them but that rarely happens. But when you have people constantly unfriending you for the most idiotic reasons, yeah you're going to keep trying to hold on to at least one of those relationships/friendships.
I literally can't think off the top of my head every single stupid reason but I gave you some ideas. I can not deal with people who take everything offensively/personally. They kill my vibe.
They also make things uncomfortable to bring up without me wondering if I'm going to offend them. Sometimes even just raising your voice and cursing can set them off. You have to handle these people with care.
Then on top of that, I get tired of reintroducing myself to new people, it gets old. So usually when someone starts to talking to me, I know the friendship won't last long cause of the previous ones.
None of those people I mentioned were really my friend. It's like people are triggered by everything where I have to watch every word I say before it offends everyone. It's even worse when they don't tell you why they don't want to be friends anymore. How am I supposed to fix anything if you don't tell me what's wrong? I'm just going to keep losing more friends if you and the others never tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it.
Another thing, I'm not good with having too many friends is because I can't keep up with talking to like 30 people at once. 10 is too much to me so I'd rather keep my best friends or close friends 10 or higher.
I know my goal is to make a group of friends who live around me and live closer to me so it's easier to hang out and do stuff. Preferably people with cars. Then having a trying to have more Internet friends.
Have you ever had people unfriend you for stupid reasons? And does this happen on a natural basis? Comment below and tell me if you agree with me that my friend Pearl is actually the one making this about herself.
If I delete most the people that don't say hi to me every day or ask how I'm doing, I'd have maybe 1 friend left not counting family members.
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