Faze censor exposing sniperwolf
I think now's a perfect time to write a blog post while I wait on my 20 minute queue for league of legends. I got reported for afk because I think I've been having connection problems at my house so lately, I've been going to the library and public places with WiFi to do work on my computer.
I'm doing a segment on the drama between sniperwolf and faze censor and my opinion on the whole situation. This is just my opinion, I'm a very opinionated and talkative person so I figure I give my point of view. I found sniperwolf way before I knew who faze censor was and subscribed to her because I thought she was very pretty but no offense that was just the only reason. There's nothing wrong with her personality (till I saw this video on YouTube), I just didn't really like her video and it's nothing personal to sniper, I have a hard time watching reaction/vlog/ videos in the first place.
But early today I found a video of some guy by the name of Faze censor claiming sniper is a compulsive liar with proof! I mean the title speaks for itself, the fall of sssniperwolf. Faze claims he wasn't trying to start drama and point out that sssniper is lying but the title kind of says otherwise, it almost says states he's trying to bring her career down. The fall of sssniperwolf.... like this drama between them too is going to end their career. Here's the first video I saw:
I have nothing against Faze but I don't believe he just made this video not to cause any harm or drama. I DO think he's trying to start a bit of an uproar by posting this video because one, he is a well known Youtuber and posting a video about drama is going to cause drama and attention. It almost always happens when a person on YouTube calls out someone else on YouTube.
So I'm watching this video and the entire time, I'm cringing at their relationship. I didn't know they were dating until I saw a later on another video, that they're dating.
This is sssniperwolf:

This is Faze censor:

So the whole video is about this girl sssniperwolf flirting with another guy Faze censor when they're both dating someone, he claims it's cheating but I'm here to tell you why it's not exactly cheating. For one, everyone has different views on cheating. Some people don't consider flirting cheating but that's something you have to set the boundaries when you first get in a relationship. Sometimes repeatedly flirting with the same person while you're in a relationship can count as cheating, that's the boundary for me. I mean, you're going to find people attractive whether in you're in a relationship or not. If you're in a relationship, you're not allowed to find someone? Huh?
I think this blog post might be misinterpreted, people might be thinking I'm taking Lia's (sssniperwolf) side but I'm not. I'm just saying, saying someone's cute isn't necessarily cheating. Two, if someone doesn't want to be in a relationship what's wrong with telling someone that?
Apparently she sent him a text saying if she wasn't in this abusive relationship, she'd be with him. Clearly, it doesn't sound like she wants to be in this relationship much longer and she's probably going to end it so what's wrong with her saying that? I might be clueless but leave your comments why you think the two are wrong.
Either way, regardless of my opinion, she obviously knew she was in the wrong if she claiming he was lying and trying to point the finger when there was evidence she texted it. You can obviously tell there's some sort of guilt and denial coming from her part.
Faze censor even went far enough to go to Verzion and get proof she lied. I thought it was necessary considering the fact, that sssniperwolf has had other accusations of her lying too.
She lies and says she never sent those text then makes fun of censor's girlfriend. I want know what his girlfriend has to do with this situation. After seeing that video and a couple videos of people exposing sssniperwolf, I unsubscribed from her on YouTube. I never really watched her which gave me more of a reason to unsubscribe. Look, I don't hate either one of them I just think Lia needs to apologize and stop lying and calling other people liars.
She's been caught flirting with tons of other guys from Faze! But from watching other videos, she's been talking shit about other YouTubers. She may seem all sweet and innocent on her YouTube but she talks mad shit about people. Calling people trannies, whore's, and making fun of people working $9 an hour at Starbucks which is extremely disrespectful. Key board warriors, talk all that shit online but as soon as you get in their face they have nothing to say. lol
"125 lbs is FAT, you dumb pig"
125 lbs is fat? You must be malnourished as fuck then girl. lol
This is a grown ass woman acting like a damn child, and she has millions of dollars and subscribers for what. Maybe she needs to live homeless and poor to see how hard it is living in this world. People are trying to make a name for themselves and you're insulting people for having a different opinion than yours.
She removes videos on YouTube criticizing her and calling her out.
I think what she said about Alissa Violet (another YouTuber), was very inconsiderate. She said Alissa was a hoe and just needed a room to stay in/she's fucking guys just to stay in a room because her ex Jake Paul kicked her out after he treated her like shit and started dating another large streamer who she moved in with that knows her ex. Like show some compassion, this isn't like one of those situations where she didn't love him, just wanted to hook up with Jake and sleep with him out of desperation. She actually liked him and he kicked her out. Plus she has her on YouTube where she probably makes money and can afford her own place.
Sssniperwolf just sounds like a really rude and childish brat. I mean if I could get paid thousands of dollars and millions of subscribers to be a pretty spoiled ass woman cursing out people like a damn kid and talking shit, I could easily do that.
No, I'm not a popular blogger or Youtuber but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to voice my opinion. I just like to post things about gaming and talking/ranting about my life and drama I hear. Let's hope sssniperwolf's childish insults and remarks doesn't bully me.
I'm doing a segment on the drama between sniperwolf and faze censor and my opinion on the whole situation. This is just my opinion, I'm a very opinionated and talkative person so I figure I give my point of view. I found sniperwolf way before I knew who faze censor was and subscribed to her because I thought she was very pretty but no offense that was just the only reason. There's nothing wrong with her personality (till I saw this video on YouTube), I just didn't really like her video and it's nothing personal to sniper, I have a hard time watching reaction/vlog/ videos in the first place.
But early today I found a video of some guy by the name of Faze censor claiming sniper is a compulsive liar with proof! I mean the title speaks for itself, the fall of sssniperwolf. Faze claims he wasn't trying to start drama and point out that sssniper is lying but the title kind of says otherwise, it almost says states he's trying to bring her career down. The fall of sssniperwolf.... like this drama between them too is going to end their career. Here's the first video I saw:
So I'm watching this video and the entire time, I'm cringing at their relationship. I didn't know they were dating until I saw a later on another video, that they're dating.
This is sssniperwolf:

This is Faze censor:

So the whole video is about this girl sssniperwolf flirting with another guy Faze censor when they're both dating someone, he claims it's cheating but I'm here to tell you why it's not exactly cheating. For one, everyone has different views on cheating. Some people don't consider flirting cheating but that's something you have to set the boundaries when you first get in a relationship. Sometimes repeatedly flirting with the same person while you're in a relationship can count as cheating, that's the boundary for me. I mean, you're going to find people attractive whether in you're in a relationship or not. If you're in a relationship, you're not allowed to find someone? Huh?
I think this blog post might be misinterpreted, people might be thinking I'm taking Lia's (sssniperwolf) side but I'm not. I'm just saying, saying someone's cute isn't necessarily cheating. Two, if someone doesn't want to be in a relationship what's wrong with telling someone that?
Apparently she sent him a text saying if she wasn't in this abusive relationship, she'd be with him. Clearly, it doesn't sound like she wants to be in this relationship much longer and she's probably going to end it so what's wrong with her saying that? I might be clueless but leave your comments why you think the two are wrong.
Either way, regardless of my opinion, she obviously knew she was in the wrong if she claiming he was lying and trying to point the finger when there was evidence she texted it. You can obviously tell there's some sort of guilt and denial coming from her part.
Faze censor even went far enough to go to Verzion and get proof she lied. I thought it was necessary considering the fact, that sssniperwolf has had other accusations of her lying too.
She lies and says she never sent those text then makes fun of censor's girlfriend. I want know what his girlfriend has to do with this situation. After seeing that video and a couple videos of people exposing sssniperwolf, I unsubscribed from her on YouTube. I never really watched her which gave me more of a reason to unsubscribe. Look, I don't hate either one of them I just think Lia needs to apologize and stop lying and calling other people liars.
She's been caught flirting with tons of other guys from Faze! But from watching other videos, she's been talking shit about other YouTubers. She may seem all sweet and innocent on her YouTube but she talks mad shit about people. Calling people trannies, whore's, and making fun of people working $9 an hour at Starbucks which is extremely disrespectful. Key board warriors, talk all that shit online but as soon as you get in their face they have nothing to say. lol
"125 lbs is FAT, you dumb pig"
125 lbs is fat? You must be malnourished as fuck then girl. lol
This is a grown ass woman acting like a damn child, and she has millions of dollars and subscribers for what. Maybe she needs to live homeless and poor to see how hard it is living in this world. People are trying to make a name for themselves and you're insulting people for having a different opinion than yours.
She removes videos on YouTube criticizing her and calling her out.
I think what she said about Alissa Violet (another YouTuber), was very inconsiderate. She said Alissa was a hoe and just needed a room to stay in/she's fucking guys just to stay in a room because her ex Jake Paul kicked her out after he treated her like shit and started dating another large streamer who she moved in with that knows her ex. Like show some compassion, this isn't like one of those situations where she didn't love him, just wanted to hook up with Jake and sleep with him out of desperation. She actually liked him and he kicked her out. Plus she has her on YouTube where she probably makes money and can afford her own place.
Sssniperwolf just sounds like a really rude and childish brat. I mean if I could get paid thousands of dollars and millions of subscribers to be a pretty spoiled ass woman cursing out people like a damn kid and talking shit, I could easily do that.
No, I'm not a popular blogger or Youtuber but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to voice my opinion. I just like to post things about gaming and talking/ranting about my life and drama I hear. Let's hope sssniperwolf's childish insults and remarks doesn't bully me.
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