My top 10 favorite female league of legends champions and why
There are tons of awesome chicks in the league of legends game but only 10 made it to my list. This is a personal fav of mine so please don't get offended or start with "why isn't (some random champ) on the list? idk cause it's MY fav champs, not yours.
10. Miss Fortune
Miss fortune is my number 10 but I have mixed feelings that she should be higher on the list because one, I love every one of her skins. Arcade miss fortune is my favorite, that's why I used this gif cause it made me giggle. Her responses are funny too. "You better watch your mouth kid or I'll have you respawning at home!"
"cha and ah!"
"Nothing but powder monkeys!"
Her ult is one of my favs and that laugh she makes when she ults. With the runes and masteries I use, she does so much damage it's crazy. You can never go wrong with miss fortune, she's easy to use and super kick ass and I love her in urf!
9. Ahri
Ahri is so much fun to play. I love her e the most, "charm". E, then q, then w, and they're dead. Unless they get away then ult! I used arcade ahri to represent her but I love popstar ahri a lot more, shhhh!

8. Annie
Who doesn't love a little girl with a huge bear that will blow up in flames and stun anything in it's path. I love everyone of her skins buth goth annie is by far my favorite and always will be. She's an easy to use champ.

7. Taliyah
The cutest woc champion, yeah I used that term. With mostly white champions, it's nice to see a darker skinned champion representing. Frejlord taaliyah is my favorite because winter is one of my favorite seasons, and I personally love herwith white hair more. She looks like an ad type of champion but she uses ap runes and masteries. Her skill set amazes me and if you build her right, she can carry no doubt. Only problem I have with her, is I never know when to use her ult without annoying the shit ouf of my team with it.

6. Sona
Dj sona is my fav skin of hers. I own arcade, mistletoe, and sweetheart sona but not dj sona. I'm crossing my fingers and hope I get it in a chest.

5. Nidalee
Her Q, enough said. Her Q is the main reason I love her. Her spears do tons of damage and can easily be used to kill Baron or minion steals like the herald rift. Most of her skins match her personality and I don't care for her other skills except her Q and ult. When she ults, she turns into a cat and after throwing your Q, I usually jump into my ult and rip your to shreds!

4. Leblanc
I originally had cass here but tbh, I like and use Leblanc more than her. Prestigious leblanc is my fav next to elderwood and ravenborn and I don't own prestigious, just yet. Her skill sets do a burst of damage and her q and e stuns. She's a sexy magician with big tits. Her W can be use as a great escape goat.
She isn't hard to use really but starting off the game fresh as her isn't the best idea. Use someone easy to level like Ashe or Annie.

3. Jinx
Jinx, use to be my number 1 fav but I've been playing Katarina so much more than her, I've lost a little interest in Jinx. Jinx (the loose cannon) is my fav cause she's this crazy girl with a super mega death rocket. Her skins match her attitude perfectly. Adcs are my favorite and I can't get enough of ranged ults.

2. Lux
I love her. She's easy to use, and her q snares e slows and her ult is just wonderful. I'm still waiting to see someone get a pentakill off her ult alone, all lined up. I used the star guardian skin cause star guardian is my fav skin.

and the number one is.
1. Katarina (my main bitch)

The baddest bitch in the game. lol She'd be better if she was black, honestly. Tired of all these white champions. Project kat is my fav skin and one of the few I don't own. I'm hoping to get it in one of the hextech looting chest. She's the no mana teleportation using assassin and I personally find it so easy to get a triple or quadra as Kat it's not even funny.
Her ult is interruptable but she can easily pick back up and carry a team with just a few kills. Her e teleports and will deal damage after you throw your q first. It's easy to escape with her too and you can use your ward to catch up to the enemy player running away.
10. Miss Fortune
Miss fortune is my number 10 but I have mixed feelings that she should be higher on the list because one, I love every one of her skins. Arcade miss fortune is my favorite, that's why I used this gif cause it made me giggle. Her responses are funny too. "You better watch your mouth kid or I'll have you respawning at home!"
"cha and ah!"
"Nothing but powder monkeys!"
Her ult is one of my favs and that laugh she makes when she ults. With the runes and masteries I use, she does so much damage it's crazy. You can never go wrong with miss fortune, she's easy to use and super kick ass and I love her in urf!
9. Ahri
Ahri is so much fun to play. I love her e the most, "charm". E, then q, then w, and they're dead. Unless they get away then ult! I used arcade ahri to represent her but I love popstar ahri a lot more, shhhh!

8. Annie
Who doesn't love a little girl with a huge bear that will blow up in flames and stun anything in it's path. I love everyone of her skins buth goth annie is by far my favorite and always will be. She's an easy to use champ.

7. Taliyah
The cutest woc champion, yeah I used that term. With mostly white champions, it's nice to see a darker skinned champion representing. Frejlord taaliyah is my favorite because winter is one of my favorite seasons, and I personally love herwith white hair more. She looks like an ad type of champion but she uses ap runes and masteries. Her skill set amazes me and if you build her right, she can carry no doubt. Only problem I have with her, is I never know when to use her ult without annoying the shit ouf of my team with it.

6. Sona
Dj sona is my fav skin of hers. I own arcade, mistletoe, and sweetheart sona but not dj sona. I'm crossing my fingers and hope I get it in a chest.

5. Nidalee
Her Q, enough said. Her Q is the main reason I love her. Her spears do tons of damage and can easily be used to kill Baron or minion steals like the herald rift. Most of her skins match her personality and I don't care for her other skills except her Q and ult. When she ults, she turns into a cat and after throwing your Q, I usually jump into my ult and rip your to shreds!

4. Leblanc
I originally had cass here but tbh, I like and use Leblanc more than her. Prestigious leblanc is my fav next to elderwood and ravenborn and I don't own prestigious, just yet. Her skill sets do a burst of damage and her q and e stuns. She's a sexy magician with big tits. Her W can be use as a great escape goat.
She isn't hard to use really but starting off the game fresh as her isn't the best idea. Use someone easy to level like Ashe or Annie.

3. Jinx
Jinx, use to be my number 1 fav but I've been playing Katarina so much more than her, I've lost a little interest in Jinx. Jinx (the loose cannon) is my fav cause she's this crazy girl with a super mega death rocket. Her skins match her attitude perfectly. Adcs are my favorite and I can't get enough of ranged ults.

2. Lux
I love her. She's easy to use, and her q snares e slows and her ult is just wonderful. I'm still waiting to see someone get a pentakill off her ult alone, all lined up. I used the star guardian skin cause star guardian is my fav skin.

and the number one is.
1. Katarina (my main bitch)

The baddest bitch in the game. lol She'd be better if she was black, honestly. Tired of all these white champions. Project kat is my fav skin and one of the few I don't own. I'm hoping to get it in one of the hextech looting chest. She's the no mana teleportation using assassin and I personally find it so easy to get a triple or quadra as Kat it's not even funny.
Her ult is interruptable but she can easily pick back up and carry a team with just a few kills. Her e teleports and will deal damage after you throw your q first. It's easy to escape with her too and you can use your ward to catch up to the enemy player running away.
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