Over the past couple of weeks.

Well here's a long story to tell you. I started talking to this guy at my job and well, let's just say...now that I'm involved in his life, things have gotten a little more complicated. He's not what I expected, I didn't expect him to be such a bad boy. He's told me all about his past, how he would always get in trouble with his friends and shit. Beating people up for no reason, getting into fights, and selling drugs. I've never done anything of that before. I was shocked because he doesn't look like one of the guys to live such a lifestyle.
Anyway, we've only got intimate twice. Now I don't want to disclose his name to you all because he has a bad history. It's very complicated with him already because personally, I don't what I want to do with him. I'm not necessarily in love with him right now because I don't know what I want with him. He's a cute guy and all but I'm nervous about even wanting to date him because he's a player, he has commitment issues. Now I don't know what he wants for or from me, if he likes me or likes me more than a a friend but it doesn't matter. I don't want to fall in love with someone who can't commit. I guess I just want to be friends? Idk; and I'm saying idk because I want to like him more than a friend. Okay?
Now besides all of that, I woke up to a text one morning like last week or two, that said: this is his gf bitch, you better stop texting to my man bitch. don't fuck with me.
A text from him along those lines that I woke up too. I was so confused and my heart was beating fast so I text him back, wtf? I didn't know he had a gf. This better be a joke.
I've been talking to him for a week and he has a gf but talking to me? Wth? So I go back and ask him about it and he tells me, sorry about that.
me: oh so you got a gf now?
him: no just an crazy ex that thinks we're still together
So what I'm gathering is his crazy ex randomly intrudes on his phone and harasses random girls on his phone not to talk to him because she thinks they're still together but they're not. K, got it. Now listen honey, I'm not going to stop talking to him because your majesty tells me so. I do whatever the hell I want and no one is going to tell me what to do. So, yes I am going to continue talking to him not because I want to piss her off (either way, idc) but because I don't like being told what to do and he's a nice guy I want to keep talking to. If anything, she needs to fuck off and get over the fact that he doesn't want or love her anymore. It's like a love/hate relationship, love on one side and hate on the other. Actually, that's not even love, that's just obsession. She's obsessed with him and that's not a cute trait. It's requited love and if you don't know what that is, look it up.
He won't call the police on her, like the fact that she's stalking him. She lives an hour away from him (they actually met because before the job he was working at now which is stop n shop that I work with now at another job where he was closer to her by) and she'll go to his job and make sure he isn't talking to other girls. He told me, he's even seen her come to the store looking for me.
What the hell was she going to do? Confront me in front of dozens of other people not to fuck with her man while I'm at work? That shows she has no class and she's trashy. He told her to not go starting drama at his work. In all honesty, I wish she would do something and you know what that is. Like put her hands on me or some shit like that because if you touch me, may God be with you. I don't think she wants to try me. I mean, you coming all up in my work place when I work behind a deli with knives, don't test me. You really trying to talk/fight with me with this knife in my hand. I can be that quick to stab her wherever I wanted to. She ain't gonna do nothing because she sounds like she's all talk. Talking all that shit bout what you gonna do but then don't own up to it but with me, I keep promises. I swear my word is bond. You touch me, I'll fuck you up...simple.
It's cute, he keeps saying how he'd never let it come to that because he'd break it up. So be it; still doesn't mean I'll grab her by her hair and punch her several times in her face. I'm learning the bodies weak points and taking a self defense class for my own safety and as soon as she threatens to kill me, I'll call the police and tell them the whole situation. Apparently he's too naive to tell them his damn self so as soon as she threatens me, I'll tell them. I don't care. He feels as though he has to keep it on neutral terms with her or she'll get the police involved. Getting the police involved by telling them he hit her and broke her car window because he threw something through it. He told me, he didn't mean to do it. He just did it because he was mad at her and then tried defending her by saying he did harm to her too. SO? It doesn't matter. What's she's doing is taking this too a whole new level because of a mistake you made so she's taken advantage of you and the situation. She's blackmailing you and you don't even care. Stop pitying someone who is doing wrong to you because their life is shit.
He's shown me scratch marks on his arms and says she'll scratch his arms and abuse him. Not only is she stalking him, she's abusing him and threatening him which isn't cool. He keeps making up all these excuses why he can't get help because he doesn't want to get involved with the police because he has a bad record with the police. Who tf cares? Your life could be at risk and probably is which is more important than worrying about get some charges because she claims you hit her and broke her car window. I don't want to see you get hurt. I like you and care about you.
I'll do anything for you. And I'll go, anywhere you wanted me to.
Now he says it'll be complicated because the situation he's in with her. That even if I only just wanted to fuck, it'd still be complicated. So he's gonna see me less and less. Not because he wants to but he needs to go to therapy for his anger issues and for him selling drugs and shit. He says I'm a nice girl who deserves better but he hasn't done anything wrong to me. He says maybe later, things might change but not now.
The new ninja class is now available and I shat myself knowing it came out on my birthday! Yes, my birthday is May 17 which was yesterday and before i get into the ninja class, I went out to eat for my bday with the guy I said it was complicated with because of his crazy ex gf. It was a normal boring ass day but he promised to take me out to eat which made me feel a lot better so I got dressed up and went with him down the street to the sushi place. I had like 4 rows of California rolls because they were on sale. They were originally 5 dollars but were turned down to $2.50 to each. So I got that and a peach tea Snapple (my favorite juice atm) and ate it all why we talked. Mostly talked about him getting into fights at school. I came up with the question randomly. He laughs and says no girl has ever asked him that before but tells me all the fights he had. He's had a bunch of fights in the past and I have never been in any since middle school to high school. He's told me some awful things he's done; like he was so good at fighting sometimes people would pay him to beat random people's ass for no reason. Some kid offered him 20 bucks if he'd go up to this kid at a carnival or something and punch him in the face and since he wanted to make money he just did it. Geez, he was an asshole in high school. He and some of his friends beat up a kid for kissing his gf? Okay understandable but they didn't all have to jump him, that wasn't a fair fight. He knew he was strong and good enough to beat the kid's ass his self but he had to be extra.
 Anyway, we went back to his place and he tried to sleep with me on my period on my birthday which was weird enough.

As for the new elin ninja class. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I found my new main. And for everyone against gender/race locked classes, fuck you. I wish people would really shut the fuck up about the gender/race lock classes already. You know damn well, bluehole isn't going to keep up only female gender/race locks for ever. Male classes will definitely get some love and classes of their own, if not for both male and woman. Just shut up already, you guys bitch about every little thing; never happy. Stop being impatient, y'all will get your own classes too.
I've been doing some leveling in dungeons and close to level 30. I don't own any level 65's yet unfortunately but I think my shinobi might be the first class I get to 65. I'm pretty excited; her name is bloodstainedusagi on tempest reach. Yep, Tera gave an extra character slot in your item claim for everyone with the release of the new ninja class. I think they're doing that with every new class coming out and most of my characters are on Tempest Reach because that's my main realm. They'll all be on the same guild too. That's only a couple of screenshots I took so far.but I'll be taken a lot more. I'm sort of excited to get to 65, just because they've implemented flying mounts and personally, I think some of the flying mounts look very unusual and bluehole didn't take their time at all with this shit at all. At least with the lions. It looks like they just threw wings on a damn lion and called it a flying mount. lol It's creepy, hideous, and unethical in my opinion. Since when could lions fly? Uh never. This thing is weird.
Flying mounts arrive in the “Secrets & Shadows” update!

I also got my tongue and belly pierced. I wanted my belly pierced for years and the tongue piercing, I just fell in love with a couple days before getting it, oops but I still like the tongue piercing and plan on keep it for a while. The tongue hurt more than the belly imo and I both got them done in the same day. The belly was just a sharp pain piercing through my stomach and the tongue actually made me tear up in one eye but they both took time to heal and now my mouth and stomach is back to normal. The only thing I hate about my belly piercing is there's crust around it and yellow puss coming out of the piercing which I googled, with what people were saying was normal but this happens like every day with the puss. The crust just won't go away. I know, it's gross and I do shower and it still does that. Oh well. I am going back for more piercings, to get my nose, smiley, and nipple piercings and that's it, then it's to the tattoos.


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