
Showing posts from February, 2014

Surrender at 20: 2/27 PBE Update: Heimerdinger VU and Arctic Ops Va...

Much to talk about.

Rejection letters

Anger issues.

Fool for love


Surrender at 20: 2/19 PBE Update: Vel'Koz Lore, New Summoner Icons,...

Could he be the one?

Surrender at 20: 2/5 PBE Update: Heartseeker Ashe Splash

Surrender at 20: 2/5 PBE Update: Heartseeker Ashe Splash

Surrender at 20: 2/5 PBE Update: Heartseeker Ashe Splash

Surrender at 20: 2/6 PBE Update: Minor Updates to the HS Ashe Splas...
