A continuation of a twitch sellout/fake

So I saw this on reddit and didn't necessarily agree. I agreed with some parts but not every part of it. Click here
So basically the thread is about how this streamer on twitch.tv (a gaming platform) acts nothing like how they are in real life. How they create a persona/a whole different person to gain and attract more viewers to earn more money. Now I don't agree with that particular setup because their reason behind it.
Someone commented in the thread: "Hey. I'm MANvsGAME's wife. Thank you for saying this. I get so tired of people giving advice such as "just be yourself!" and "just have fun!" If you're actually trying to make a living at this, you have to be entertaining and you have to be an engaging performer. Do you think my husband Jayson walks around acting like "MAN" 24-7? No. Does that make him a "fake?" No. Casting is a performance, and if you're not completely drained at the end of a cast, you're not doing it right.
Bottom line: unless someone really is streaming just for fun, please stop giving false hope to people that they can make a career out of casting if they're just "real" or "authentic," etc. You've got to have the sort of personality that will keep people coming back day after day. And let's face it, most of us don't have that rock star, je ne sais quoi thing. That's why people who DO have it are so damn magnetic.
In short, you're not a fake. This is showbiz, and you're a performer."
False, false, false. You are consider being fake for pretending to be someone you aren't just to make money. You are fake. Let's look up the definition of the word, fake. Fake: 

I circled the 2 most important definitions. A fake: a thing is not genuine, a forgery or sham.That's exactly what you're doing, not being genuine and showing who you truly are. The original poster basically said they are doing exactly that. So why would tawnyjo agree with them and then say they're not a fake or sellout after the original poster just said they were. So now tawnyjo is just being a hypocrite.
Now the people agreeing with op in this thread sound said and pathetic. "Bottom line: unless someone really is streaming just for fun, please stop giving false hope to people that they can make a career out of casting if they're just "real" or "authentic," etc. 
The people agreeing with op are basically saying it's impossible to make money being yourself. BAHAHAHAHAH! I call b.s on that. You can be yourself and make money just as much as a sellout, it's possible. So don't say it's impossible especially if you've never tried it. Okay, you have tried it and it hasn't work? Well no offense, that's probably just your problem. That probably just sounds like you have a very boring personality so you have to be something you're not to make money. That's literally what that link I sent you says. The people in that thread are making excuses for why they have to be sellouts. There are plenty of people on Twitch who don't have to be sellouts to make money. Hate to break it to you but they're genuinely are just interesting people out their with amazing personalities they were born wit that can make money without creating a fake persona. To say every single person on Twitch has to pretend to be something they're not to make money and keep viewers coming is false and haven't been proven true. 
Literally lol'ing at the fact that people are giving you positive advice on how to stream on twitch by saying "just be yourself" or "just have fun". That's bad advice too you? Wow, then I wonder what good advice is to you. You guys supporting twitch sellouts or fakes really sound like boring ass people no one wants to be around that's why you have to put on a show to make money or bring in viewers, pathetic. So no you can't get mad when someone calls you out for being one whether it's a good or bad thing.
"Keep people entertained is hard work". No, it's really not, it is for you though because you weren't naturally born with an interesting personality so you have to fake it till you make it. Which will catch up to you in the long run.
"To be honest, who cares if you act completely different than what you do outside of the stream. You're exactly right - Twitch is an entertainment medium. If you're boring and it carries over to your stream, no one will want to watch. False, Twitch has not and was not originally a entertainment medium. It was designed for gaming and only gaming. People have turned it into an entertainment medium. Creating a fake persona is up to the streamer and was never required or a rule originally made by Twitch, that's up to you. 
You guys are making up excuses for why you have to be successful. I think someone said that everyone in the showbiz is acting. That is absurd. No, not everyone or every celebrity for that matter has to act to keep making money. No some of us are just naturally interesting people unlike you.
And I'll show, when I start streaming I won't have to pretend to be someone I'm not to make money or keep an audience because I don't have any excuses. I'm funny as shit, cute af, and actually good at the games I play. :)


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