
I wish twitter didn't have text limit. I like to post quotes. I finally had breakfast this morning. So I watched the Oscars yesterday and I was dissapointed that Frozen won over the Mizayaki film. That's bullshit. Every stupid Disney teen chick flick wins because they sing half the the movie. And the princesses are so pretty and super pale and the soundtrack. So tired of it.
I overhear these kids talking about the Oscars and two of them sound really ignorant. Now one of them is complaining that 12 years of slave shouldn't have won for best supporting actor, I think because they claim the movie is exactly just like roots. That if they went him to watch roots, it's the same exact thing. Pretty sure it isn't. Now this is a white guy saying this whose a junior in high school. He's saying that this just proves my point, no one I know has even seen movie. Please, you're a fucking junior in high school. Why would a teen like you be interested in watching that or your friends? This dude is an idiot.
The other kid said he hated it because if it didn't win, then it would bf consider racist and you know it. I know what? That you're an idiot. Um, pretty sure the winner is determined by popularity/vote. Same thing. And you know that most the people are voting is Caucasian so why would they just randomly pick 12 years of slaves? I'm not bringing race into this point at all but they obviously picked it because they liked it just like they picked all the other shitty films they picked.
I plan on going to the mall with my grandma because I need a bath robe, some perfume, new shoes, some air fresheners, and probably some new clothes (if I'm lucky). I really need to get my hair done too.
And I'm most likely will be streaming on twitch after my birthday because then I can get the money to get a new computer. I said I want the one legendary lea has on twitch. Hopefully I'll be play GTA, Sims 4, WoW (warlords of draenor), LoL, Heroes of the Storm, Guild Wars 2, Hearthstone, and a couple other games this year. So I have a lot to chose from. I need more free games to play that don't take up a lot of memory on my computer or give me viruses. 
Hopefully for the summer I can see you-know-who for the whole summer. I'll literally have nothing to do this summer so I really want to spend the whole summer with him. And I'll be debating whether or not if I should get a job from here until I need to go to Kean. Like would it be pointless or helpful? And with Carl, I'm confused about what's going on with us? Like he lives in Massachuetts which is a 4 hour drive away from me. If I'm in college at Kean, how are we going to see each other? Would he move down here if we started dating? And after 2 semesters in Kean, I'm going to sva. So is he going to move up to the city with me or stay back home? It's all confusing. Much to think about.


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