Confused about my sexuality.
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I've been confused about what I identify myself sexually attracted to for years. It's a little sore to the head sometimes. Let me just get one thing straight, I hate labels and labels are really the only reason why me and other people are still confused about who we are. I'm a straight female but I wouldn't mind having sex with a girl at any time.
But then again, I think I really only want to have sex with a girl when I'm horny and watched lesbian porn. Anyway, I think what I'm trying to say is I'm sexually attracted to girls (rarely) but not mentally or romantically. Basically I'll have sex with a girl but have never fell in love with one and still haven't, if that makes sense.
I am not and repeat not bisexual so don't even make that an option because the paragraph just explain why I'm not bisexual. I'd never date a girl. I made before e I guess you could say I'm biromantic?
When I first heard about lesbians and watched lesbian porn I was instantly turned on and I think the only reason I was turned on was just because I love oral sex on a female. It even drives me insane when a male performs oral on a female so I think that's the only reason why I get turned on by that.
I do think women are beautiful creatures and everything about them is beautiful and different from men. I just think it's a plus we can have big butts, breast, and a vagina. xD
Anyway, I've been reading some articles trying to figure out my sexuality and what it means because I saw a very confusing post on Tumblr that lesbians can be attracted to men which gave me a head sore. I always assumed lesbians were and only attracted to women but once again, labels have confused me and proven me wrong.
I was reading this one article about this one girl who identifies as a lesbian but likes to have sex with men because sex is sex whether it's with a woman or man or if she can't get laid by a woman then she'll have sex with a man. I guess there's two types of lesbians, the lesbians who don't sexually/romantically want men at all and lesbians who are sexually attracted to women and men but not romantically attracted to men. From what I'm seeing so far.
Anyway, this girl would for some reason be able to get laid pretty easily and sometimes have sex with men. She would have some lesbian friends who aren't attracted to men at all and some who are, sexual or not. Hey, there's some lesbians that find men attractive but that doesn't mean they're bisexual?
I'll give you an example on why I can be straight and think women are sexy/attractive. First things first, you are allowed to think people from your own sex is attractive because people can be beautiful regardless of race/sex/etc. Like when I say a girl is really pretty or even to a guy who is really cute, a compliment regardless of gender. I told my gay guy friend in my class I thought Haley Williams (from Paramore) was cute/pretty and he immediately thought I was at least bisexual because I found people the same sex as me pretty which doesn't make sense. Anyone can be attractive no matter what there gender/race/etc is. So I said no, I'm allowed to be straight but think certain women are pretty and that confused him. Why? Because of labels; first of all, leave the labels to Campbell's.
He's gay and he thinks Beyonce is pretty and so is a couple other females but he tells me he isn't romantically or sexually attracted to women at all so that doesn't make him bisexual right? So how come he can think women are pretty even if he isn't romantically/sexually attracted to them and not be classified as at least bi but I can't?
Also, not all of this just applies to lesbians or myself but anyone confused about their gender just because labels have tricked them into thinking they can only be attracted to one sex just because their label says they are.
Therefore, I hope I cleared up to you why you can be not only a lesbian but sexually attracted to men but gay and sexually attracted women and etc. If labels didn't exist, I wouldn't be confused and neither would you and I wouldn't have to ask myself am I allowed to be sexually/romantically attracted to men by calling myself straight but also wanting to sometimes have sex with a girl and not be called bisexual because of that.
I've been confused about what I identify myself sexually attracted to for years. It's a little sore to the head sometimes. Let me just get one thing straight, I hate labels and labels are really the only reason why me and other people are still confused about who we are. I'm a straight female but I wouldn't mind having sex with a girl at any time.
But then again, I think I really only want to have sex with a girl when I'm horny and watched lesbian porn. Anyway, I think what I'm trying to say is I'm sexually attracted to girls (rarely) but not mentally or romantically. Basically I'll have sex with a girl but have never fell in love with one and still haven't, if that makes sense.
I am not and repeat not bisexual so don't even make that an option because the paragraph just explain why I'm not bisexual. I'd never date a girl. I made before e I guess you could say I'm biromantic?
When I first heard about lesbians and watched lesbian porn I was instantly turned on and I think the only reason I was turned on was just because I love oral sex on a female. It even drives me insane when a male performs oral on a female so I think that's the only reason why I get turned on by that.
I do think women are beautiful creatures and everything about them is beautiful and different from men. I just think it's a plus we can have big butts, breast, and a vagina. xD
Anyway, I've been reading some articles trying to figure out my sexuality and what it means because I saw a very confusing post on Tumblr that lesbians can be attracted to men which gave me a head sore. I always assumed lesbians were and only attracted to women but once again, labels have confused me and proven me wrong.
I was reading this one article about this one girl who identifies as a lesbian but likes to have sex with men because sex is sex whether it's with a woman or man or if she can't get laid by a woman then she'll have sex with a man. I guess there's two types of lesbians, the lesbians who don't sexually/romantically want men at all and lesbians who are sexually attracted to women and men but not romantically attracted to men. From what I'm seeing so far.
Anyway, this girl would for some reason be able to get laid pretty easily and sometimes have sex with men. She would have some lesbian friends who aren't attracted to men at all and some who are, sexual or not. Hey, there's some lesbians that find men attractive but that doesn't mean they're bisexual?
I'll give you an example on why I can be straight and think women are sexy/attractive. First things first, you are allowed to think people from your own sex is attractive because people can be beautiful regardless of race/sex/etc. Like when I say a girl is really pretty or even to a guy who is really cute, a compliment regardless of gender. I told my gay guy friend in my class I thought Haley Williams (from Paramore) was cute/pretty and he immediately thought I was at least bisexual because I found people the same sex as me pretty which doesn't make sense. Anyone can be attractive no matter what there gender/race/etc is. So I said no, I'm allowed to be straight but think certain women are pretty and that confused him. Why? Because of labels; first of all, leave the labels to Campbell's.
He's gay and he thinks Beyonce is pretty and so is a couple other females but he tells me he isn't romantically or sexually attracted to women at all so that doesn't make him bisexual right? So how come he can think women are pretty even if he isn't romantically/sexually attracted to them and not be classified as at least bi but I can't?
Also, not all of this just applies to lesbians or myself but anyone confused about their gender just because labels have tricked them into thinking they can only be attracted to one sex just because their label says they are.
Therefore, I hope I cleared up to you why you can be not only a lesbian but sexually attracted to men but gay and sexually attracted women and etc. If labels didn't exist, I wouldn't be confused and neither would you and I wouldn't have to ask myself am I allowed to be sexually/romantically attracted to men by calling myself straight but also wanting to sometimes have sex with a girl and not be called bisexual because of that.
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