I will only date a white guy if

I will only if he knows how privileged he is. This just doesn't apply to him but anyone I know or friends with that's not P.O.C. He knows that he lives in a world where his race and all other races are not treated the same. A guy who won't get upset or mad or question me whenever I bring up race and no I do not bring race into every topic.
One that won't get mad when I bring up how my race is wrongfully treated or kill by the police, that there is a such thing as police brutality. I need him to know this, all of it and I don't want go over it again. And a white guy who will never take advantage of his privilege under any circumstances. A guy who will never use the word nigga or nigger around me, ever. Preferably, I wouldn't care if he uses it if I'm not around but I'd really appreciate it if he never used that word period because it he really cared about me, he would know using that word around me would hurt my feelings.
It's not hard to understand these things. The sooner they can understand this, the better.
And I don't want them to be like my last ex; when I brought up race and tried not to sound like I was always bringing up that topic (which I don't), I just happened to lower my voice, he said, we get it...you're black.
I don't want you to be like him because that was necessary, or needed. He's a part of the problem.


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