It's not everyone's dream

to go to college, get a family, and get a career. Don't judge people who don't want the same lifestyle as you or want to graduate high school and go to college. It's YOUR decision, not your parents and besides....once you turn 18, you are legally an adult and can do what you want. So many kids go to college and go in debt afterwards and get a degree in a field they don't want but aren't happy and you know why? Their parents forced them too; not all parents but most. That's like parents believing in "arranged marriages". No, it's your body and your choice....same goes with your appearance. You want blue hair, dye your hair blue and you fucking look cute in it. It's the worst seeing kids live in the wrong dreams because they want to please their parents and follow behind in their foot steps. Be a rebel and stand up for yourself because we are the kids your parents warned you about. We may be bad influences but sometimes you need to make your own decision. You want to be a clown and work in the circus then you go to clown school not law school because you're self centered parents want you to make a lot of money to spoil them. You know, the biggest bull shit I heard was, were only doing this for you, like picking out your job. No, it's benefiting them.....some parents lived a rough life so they want their children to be famous billionaires so their kids can buy them all these materialistic things. I'm going to college but it's because I want too, not because my mom wants me too. She also said I didn't have a chance to actually live in the nyc and especially near times square because it's too expensive. Um no, just because you can't afford it doesn't mean I can't. I could be famous one day and buy out New York City. Do not doubt me and when you're successful after someone through you're entire life has called you a failure, you tell them "I did it because I wanted to, because I needed to, because I had to, but mainly because you said I couldn't". I believe in you.


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