Could he be the one?
I'm hungry as fuck because I barely eat breakfast. Might get some snacks from Mrs. Fine's room. Also just got an email, I'll be receiving an answer if I got accepted in a college or not. I probably won't cause my grades but if they see eye to eye with me, they'll understand my art work is more important than my grades (since I due wants to get into an art college). If I get accepted, I need to buy art supplies, dorm stuff, and fees. Also need to sign up for FICA. I really like this new guy and want to see him in person cause he lives like 2 states away. I talk to him every day but it annoys me because he doesn't take any of his online friend's serious. He teases them and he's really weird . Lol Like he says the weirdest shit that makes me just burst out laughing. Could he be the one? I doubt it. Also I need to get my gnome spriest to 90 already. I keep pushing her off cause priests are a very boring classes and lot of unessacary spells. Lol One time in a random normal mop dungeon I leaped of faith this worgen rogue in front of me and I thought, I was going to leap to him but instead he came back to me. xD That was awkward and I apologized. My spriest (shadow priest) is at 87....each day I'll level her to 90 since I have like 8 days left of the subscripition to play. I'm not coming back to play until WoD comes out because I'm bored of the game. I've done all the dungeons a million times with 2 (almost 3) 90s. A level 70 something night elf Druid, a level 26 demonology warlock, 60 blood elf subletely rogue, and that's it? They're all loomed except the druid cause she's on a another realm. Oh and I have blood elf death knight and pandaren frost Mage on moonguard. I'm tired of questing in the same areas and I want to see new content but as soon as I take a break, I'm going to be bored as fuck without WoW. I'm sick of my realm but I stay there cause of my 90s can mail new looms to my new toons. I'll probably play league of legends and get banned for afk when I can't help unknown crashes and I contacted support for help. Maybe I'll get more sleep away from the game because it does fuck up my sleep schedule. An rp realm. I only play on rp and normal realms. I hate pvp realms cause I'm tired noob 90 ganking me at low levels. I hate the alliance, only have a gnome and belf cause they're cute. I actually don't hate the alliance, I just hate the leader of stormwind and the people who play the alliance as true alliance fans. Especially after killing Slyvanas Windrunner a couple days ago. I couldn't do anything because I would be killed instantly. It was 30 against 4. :( Allisnce scum, I'll rid you faggots from your land. Dwarfes and worgens aren't so bad. I hate draeneis and humans. The good thing about having my own blog is I can curse all I want without getting sported because we all I have a low tolerance. So fuck the alliance. If you don't like it, we can't be friends.
And guys, I'm not always a miserable person or it sounds like it. Just because I am annoyed doesn't mean I am angry. Like when I rant about how that person was so annoying. I'm not at all pissed and I just don't like them. I'm jamming to the magician right now. His songs are usually a little over 40 minutes long but he's a dj so most of the song is background music. It's peaceful, like an orchestra. You should listen to them. Also it's confirmed Vel'koz the new champ is confirmed to being in the game of legends. I like monster type champs.
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