This morning, I was woken up a at 4 am in the morning. My dad needed to talk to my second oldest brother and me and I am going to be so exhausted all day. He said we never do anything for him or my mom. Which is a lie because we do. He said our grandparents and they're family get a long better than our family. Then he started crying. I haven't seen him cry in a while but I don't know if I believe him. He could just be doing this for attention like my mom. Everyone wants to point me our as the bad guy. I am paranoid and I definitely believe everyone is out to get me because they are. What I just told you was an example. He said he doesn't even want me to show up for his funeral or write our names in his will. I don't know if he's being serious or not. He said he wants nothing to do with us. He's disowning us and probably hates us. Anyway, he can't blame this all on me. He isn't a perfect father either but no one mentions that. That he use to be an alcoholic, and never wanted to look at us anyway; would always kick everyone out the living room and always says he's the king of this castle and owns everything in this house. That we are just guest. He said we never wash the dishes or anything like that. I didn't know guest wash dishes. I think he's really dissapointing in us but he knows he is wrong too. Coming from a father that stays in doors all the time and never wants to go out on occasions with us. Too busy staying inside all day long, sleeping the entire time and when we ask him for something he yells at us. Yeah and he isn't a supportive parent at all. Who was there when I cried all the time? Not him. Or when I tried to cut myself? Not him. Or when I tried to commit suicide? Not him. All those times I was depressed. He would just ask why I was crying. He's useless. And I'm exhausted because he kept me up early this morning. He even wants us out of the house. What do I do? I already fell asleep in Sciene, math, and art and I'm one of those type of people, once you wake me up I can't go back to sleep.
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