Much to talk about.
So I wrote a post yesterday but it wouldn't save so I just ignored it. I'm in a pretty decent mood. I had a sub first period so I was able to do my math homework and got that in. We had a quiz on the color wheel in art and I was absent today so I get to take the quiz tomorrow. Besides, people who didn't take it today got 15 minutes to go to the computer lab or library and I got to do the art homework that was due today and most likely will be receiving full credit for it although I think I should've wrote more. So ha ha, daddy; you took away my computer but I still finished that assignment fucker. I finally got my touch of color done in vo tech. So now I need to get in those emails, do some math homework, and that's it?
Also found out a couple people in my class want to go to comic con with me. I'll be going and maybe even get Carl to come with me. Then he'll see my sexy kitty cat katarina costume. Mmm, he'll love it. ;) Yeah, I'm going as kitty cat katarina for comic con so don't still my idea. I hate copy cats. If you don't know what kitty cat katarina looks like, here's a picture:
So anyway I was watching Kaceytron on twitch. I don't like her and she's one of God's biggest trolls. She's an rude, terrible gamer, disgusting, overweight, attention whore, cry baby who calls herself a "girl gamer" who is in denial because she swears she is good at gaming when she is deporably shit. I personally have no interest in a streamer who wears the same outfit every day and is rude to a lot of people. What's her problem? She had 5-18-11 in a single game on league of legends and her cs is horrible. She talks way to much and half the time it's about how rude everyone is in the chat room. They spam her chat room and she takes all of it seriously and crys about it. I think it's funny what everyone thinks and says about her period, especially in her own chat room. She's cried a million times on her stream at how rude the non subscribers are. I don't know why anyone would subscribe or donate money to her when she is possibly one of the worst streamers on twitch but hey, there's always that one person who "claims" to disagree. For example, they're actually people who like Hitler when we all know he was a terrible being. Kaceytron is an attentionwhore who only has thousands of viewers cause she trolls all of you. She wants you to pity her, for you to sympathize her but will never admit it because who will? I only watch her stream to see her responses to these people harassing her. She deserves it. She's even cursed out someone whose suppose to be her friend on a live stream. She curses all the time and people always mention how she wears a top that exposes her breast. I'm not judging her for that but everyone else does. There was this one time, that was actually last night when she got mad at someone for ks'ing her in "league of legions". She calls league of legends, "league of legions". Lmao, that's not the name of the game. Then I think she's called ziggs a yordle and called him a completely different champ but I forget who but says she's being playing lol for 5 years and is actually good. Uh huh. She's a liar.
Anyway, Vel'koz was just released and I'm pissed because my dad ironically took away my computer so now I can't grind enough ip to buy him. I only have like 2k and I need 7.8 or 6.3 k to buy him depending when I get my laptop back. The champion release dates are far too early and they really need to wait at least 2-3 months before one comes out so I have enough up to buy them.
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