I burnt my finger today, trying to get the eggs out of the pot and it hurts really bad. There has been so many snow days recently which isn't good because they are going to start taking off out spring break and I don't care, I am still not coming. So I don't know why I told you that. lol I have enough credits to graduate anyway so who cares about vo tech.
Anyway, I finally went to yearbook club again and worked on some pages. I'm still laughing about the fight that happened at school today with this kid named Nafiz. He starts shit with everyone and makes fun of his own 2 closest best friends. He said one of them had horse hair and pubes growing out of their head. I was laughing so hard, I was crying. I laughed more at the way he said. I hope another fight gets started tomorrow so I can laugh my ass off like I did today. I'm just watching ranked games and might save up for Vel'koz. Tomorrow I will go on tumblr a and gets some pictures to draw, talk to my guidance counselor about grant money, and get my permission slipped signed for vo tech.
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