
These are all my points of view and I am not and will repeat not trying to convert anyone, this was and is my own decision to become a deist. You can choose to argue with me but we all have our own beliefs and you will not change my mind neither can I change yours.
I am exhausted. No sleep and still not motivated; the bus came late to Vo tech and I am still tired. I think I will explain what a deist is now. I reverted to one shortly after learning that not everything in the Bible is true. I am not doubting God, I am doubting the book because the book was NOT made by God it was made by some Hebrews. Now, a deist is someone who believes in God but not a religion. Now my beliefs on deism is different from the actual definition. "Deism is not a specific religion but rather a particular perspective on the nature of God. Deists believe that a creator god does exist, but that after the motions of the universe were set in place he retreated, having no further interaction with the created universe or the beings within it. As such, there are a variety of common religious beliefs that deists do not accept. Because deists accept that God in uninterested in praise and that he in unapproachable via prayer, there is little organized religion surrounding deist beliefs. Deists often feel that organized religion add layers of untruth to the reality of God. Some deists, particularly historical ones, however, saw a value in organized religion for the common folk, because religion could instill positive concepts of morality and sense of community." I found this from
This information came from:
"We believe that God designed and created the world, and governs it through natural laws that can be discovered through reasoning, observation, and experience. We feel that God does not reveal himself to us through inspired or revealed texts or by supernatural means, but through creation itself." Excerpt from the Peace Dale Christian Deist Fellowship Website.
Do not accept the belief of most religions that God revealed himself to humanity through the writings of the Bible, the Qur'an or other religious texts.
They do not view God as an entity in human form. God does not have human feelings like love, hate, anxiety, happiness, etc
Disagree with strong Atheists who assert that there is no evidence of the existence of God.
They believe that miracles do not happen. The "world operates by natural and self-sustaining laws of the creator." That is, the world continues to function under the same laws that God initially set up.
Most Deists believe humans are too innately noble to require supernatural coercion and threats of eternal damnation to behave morally.
They do not view God as an entity in human form.
Deism does not believe in a revealed god.
Most Deists do not actively evangelize the public. (I thought this was interesting because even when I was a Christian, I still didn't try to shove my religion down others throat or tried to convert people.
This may not all be true but from what I have been reading this is what I got.
             Now I agree with almost all of this. I think there is one statement in here that I do not agree on. I would say I have brought my Christianity also into deism. Now I know Deist, do not believe all of this but I do. There are two main reasons why I wanted to stop being a Christian. I think that religion causes more hate than violence and I feel as though I do not agree to still believe in any. So everyday I keep doing research to see if I am a deist. I have mixed up theist with deist. I do not believe God has EVER been revealed but I do agree with some theist and think that God still does exist and that he is still here. So I am tied between deist and theist; anyone can help me.I would love to meet a theist or deist; and a strong one who can help me. And I do think God is still currently active with the universe. I also think he created himself and the universe. Can I trust the bible? No.How do we know the Bible has been kept in tact for over 2,000 years of copying?  You want to continue to believe this monarchy; bullshit. Can I believe the crazy thought that everything in the bible was the way it was before when Jesus was alive, no. I doubt it's the original copy but the 10 commandments are untouchable. I recently asked this guy I know who doesn't believe a God exist, if he agrees with anything in the bible like the 10 commandments and that killing is wrong. He says he does but he doesn't need a Holy scripture to tell him that. Well who else will tell him that killing is wrong? I realized our debate was going into an argument and then I stopped. And with the bible being changed, the bible can get into the wrong hands and some people have used the bible to defend horrible things like racism, slavery, segregation, apartheid, and etc.
People have asked me what race do I think Jesus is. In all honesty, race shouldn't matter as long as you have belief in him is all that matters. I honestly don't care about the color of Jesus' skin and neither should you. I do think he is black but I tend not to think of that because it will get others mad over something petty. I am still tied between whether Jesus was Hebrew or Egyptian. I think he is both. I think picking out his skin color is just starting an bigger argument and stirring up the pot. But most importantly Jesus to me was middle eastern and to let you all know Jesus was Jewish. Yes, he was, it says so in the bible and even though I said not everything in the bible, I have evidence to support that.
I have heard someone recently say Africans/African Americans aren't Jewish. Actually the original and first Jews were African. Not true, there are Africans and African Americans who are Jewish but they're a few of them. I am African american and if God didn't love us so much, why did he put all the diamonds and jewels in Africa?
Indeed, it is now generally accepted based on existing evidence that humankind's earliest ancestors originated in Africa. I hate people who disagree because then I can't understand their reasoning.
I also don't like most Christians because most of them try to out-christian each other. They use prayer as an excuse for inaction. They’re waiting for God to do his thing, but they aren’t willing to step out in faith and obedience.They are fake. They dress up a certain way on Sunday and they live as completely different people the rest of the week. Not only that but a lot of them use the Bible to defend something but yet they just throw verses from the bible at you and they don't even go to church everyday. Especially when they try to say how homophobia is wrong and bully others for it. Most of the time, they don't go to church or say their fucking prayers and yet they can be a hypocrite and call people sinners but they sin everyday. Yes homophobia is wrong, to me and some of you but have you ever thought that maybe not everyone believes in what YOU believe in. Second of all, the bible says not to hate thy neighbor or bully others but yet you are picking on someone because they are homosexual. And to prove a point, I know almost no one goes to church anymore but still consider themselves a christian. I especially love when not only Christians but others who believe in God say "God hates fags." Hold up, never put God and hate in the same sentence. God doesn't hate anyone, he actually forgives people of their sins.
I think a lot of people are close minded and only want to learn about their religion. Maybe if you stepped outside of your religion and learn about other people you might just learn about other people's beliefs and the positive about learning from other beliefs is that you can use their beliefs against them to support why you believe in what you believe.


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