I'm getting really fed up with riot.

Jinx has been out for more than a year and still has no skin and Zac doesn't even have one either. If Riot doesn't have any ideas, that's what skin concepts are for.  I've seen so many skin concepts for many champions on league of legends, staring with deviant art. It's not that hard to google skin concepts (enter champion name) and pick one everyone or almost everyone agrees on. They keep making all these skins for champions who just recently got a new skin a while ago and they need to focus more on champions who don't have a skin. I wish there was a way to physically contact the art department of league and complain about this until they do it because flaming on the fan pages and comments isn't getting their attention. Not to mention no one else seems to care. If they are making us wait this long for champs who still only have their basic skin and the skin they get in their champion spotlight, then I know for damn sure the skin they do come out with is a ultimate skin. Any skin that Riot makes of Jinx is going to probably be an insta-buy because she is my favorite champ out of all of them by a long shot. Jinx came out before Yasou and he already has like 2 new skins, not to mention he's a shitty/ugly champ (imo). And no, i'm not complaining Jinx needs a new skin just because i like the champ, there are other champs who equally need one too like Zac who still has his starter skin.
That being said, Riot gave us a sneak peek of the new champion coming out next named Kalista- the spear of vengeance. Kalista looks like a bad bitch and I'm already saving up for her. With 452 ip (lol) but I need 7348 mor ip sense new champs are 7.8k the first week they come out. Let's get excited.


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