My kind of guy. (Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them) ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ

We always wanted someone like this, that fit us in every way, shape of form. I always wanted to make one of these. I know this is impossible to find a got like this but I still felt like making one just to think about. It's just for fun. I'm going to add more to this later.
  • A man with a beard. 
  • Who wants to use his lips to write away your tears
  • Dresses very nicely. I don't like hood ass niggas. Bonus if you dress in stuff like Ralph Lauren. 
  • I don't like swag fags
  • Who isn't afraid to show you off even if you're patents don't approve.
  • I don't care if you can't sing or dance but that would be a bonus
  • Who can cook
  • Someone who knows how to fight or can defend himself
  • We have the same type of music, I love that.
  • Who can accept that change is good
  • Cologne, cologne, and more cologne. The very strong ones 
  • Who always smells very good like he just came out the shower
  • Wet hair
  • Muscular men/skinny. I actually don't mind chubby guys or fat as long as their attractive
  • Someone whose cute. Looks count to me but they have to be intelligent too. I prefer if they at least graduated high school. College is an exception. If their dropouts I won't judge but I like someone who is both book and street smart.
  • Long hair. And I mean really long. Like at least down to their back and no further.
  • Tattoos and piercings are attractive. I don't like any piercings post the stomach on men. No dumb tattoos either. Like anything with spiritual shit on it like Jesus or Buddha. I don't like people's Gods on your body. I also hate when men poor tattoos of their minds or ex's or wives names on their body. I don't like that at all.
  • I don't like guys that take advantage of my weakness. For example: they know I'm jealous but use it to get back at me
  • Guys with dyed hair
  • Nipple piercings
  • When guys smile
  • When he's not afraid to show emotion and cries sometime
  • Who lives on his own. That means still not living with his parents
  • Unusual eye contacts like golden eyes
  • Dimples or at least one in your cheek
  • Who has a dream and wants to persue that
  • A strong jawline or Adam's apple
  • Someone who can handle me. And apparently most men can't. 
  • Who support me. 
  • Stop me from being negative all the time.
  • Who enjoys taking vacations 
  • I don't like excessive drinkers or smokers. A little is okay.
  • Who will listen to me when I want to be heard
  • Who won't talk over me
  • Who makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world and thinks that
  • A bonus if they can speak multiple languages
  • Can hold a good arugement
  • Who isn't afraid to debate
  • Hairy legs but if they're completely shaved that is sexy
  • Who doesn't care if I have a hairy body but supports me even if I don't like it
  • Says
  • What he means and means what he says
  • Can keep secrets
  • Swears his word is bond
  • Would die for me if he had to buy wouldn't be necessary because I want to be the one who does that
  • Is positive about everything
  • Great teeth
  • His breath doesn't smell
  • He's not rude
  • I prefer white or Asian guys but I don't discriminate, I'll date anyone who makes me happy
  • Who will hold the does open for me
  • Puts me before himself
  • Will admit he's wrong
  • Sees things from my perspective
  • That will kiss me even my sleep and play with my hair
  • Talks to me every day and won't talk to me when I don't want to be bother
  • Attached but not too attached
  • I like black on men
  • He's not a liar or steals
  • Open minded
  • Puts everyone else below me
  • Has his own answers and doesn't need me to answer for him
  • If he knows I'm bad at something he won't insult me but will give positive insight instead of being an ass
  • Not stereotypical
  • He's not racist, to anyone
  • He believes me when I really need him too
  • Gives me a chance
  • We both give each other time to speak
  • I don't mind getting in arguments but daily, that's annoying
  • That's never had a girlfriend before
  • Is there when no body else is when I need help
  • Virgin
  • Knows that I will be the best thing that ever happened to him and I mean that. That kind that wants you back
  • I don't care if you don't have much money. I love you more then what's in the bank and that's a fact. 
  • Likes the same things I like
  • Who likes to play video games and computer games
  • Not a woman hater. I hate men who hate women.
  • Someone who only lives in the moment. 
  • Who think he can control me especially if he thinks men are in charge of women
  • Isn't cheap.
  • Doesn't like really shitty couple pictures and holding hands.
  • Keeps our relationship private. 
  • Takes me out at least 2 or more times a week. I love dinner dates. And someone who will get dressed up.
  • Is okay with not having kids or getting married
  • Who will stay with me for the rest of my life
  • Likes car trips
  • Likes to go to concerts
  • Likes to go to clubs
  • Doesn't mind shopping
  • Staying up late at night 
  • He's there for me, never shuts me down or refuses to help
  • I don't like people who curse a lot.
  • I don't like being used.
  • Kisses me unexpectedly, you don't have to ask
  • Doesn't rush things
  • Doesn't flirt with other girls
  • Long hugs
  • I don't like overuse sarcasm, it's not funny
  • Doesn't make excuses
  • Don't ever talk about other females around me. How pretty they are or why I can't be like them. 
  • Don't joke about breaking up
  • No means no. Understand my decisions and don't pressure me to do anything and I won't pressure you. 
  • Don't be afraid to go places with me or anywhere. That means in Victoria Secret's to buying girly things.
  • I don't care how tall you are. I don't care if you're shorter than me or taller than me. I don't care if you're black, white, spanish, etc. I don't care if you're atheist, christian, etc.
  • I don't like homophobes. If you don't believe in gay marriage that's fine but don't go bullying people because it's their choice.
  • Saying you do most of these doesn't mean I believe you, you have to show me you do all of these.
  • No, I don't care how big your dick is. I'm not going to leave you because you have a small dick. lol I'm not a piece of shit like the rest of those hoes.
  • Doesn't bother me when I'm on my period. I get very pissy, go away. 
  • Guys who text you song lyrics
  • Keeps threatening to break up with me or regretting our relationship. Then leave.
  • If you have had pass girlfriends, I don't want to hear about them.
  • If you're white, never say nigga around me, please.
  • Respects my decisions and what I like to do.
  • Knows when to shut up.
  • Not sloppy and cleans sense I'm lazy and don't like to do it
  • Likes cats and animals because I want a bunny, sugar glider, and a bunch of cats
  • Doesn't mind me making changes to our place, like interior design
  • Doesn't call me names
  • I hate men with racial preferences. It's racist. Oh, I don't like you because you're black. The fuck? That's like not wanting to date someone because they're a couple inches taller than you. Grow up.


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