This expac (Warlords of Draenor)

I'm not that pleased with this expac only because this log in queues for almost all the popular servers are exceedingly long. Moonguard and Wra are locked. The only 2 servers I have level 90s on. Blizzard said they have fixed this which is a fucking lie because today at around 3:30 ish I tried to log in and the queue was over 2k. Yeah, I'm waiting but I'm still pissed. WoD came out Thursday and still, a lot of the servers are locked. I have just seen some of the servers queues over 22k people. Are you kidding me? I don't want to believe this. Anyway, I have been waiting for 2 hours and I'm a little over 1k in people ahead of me. I also don't see how they are even ddos attacking just because everyone is trying to log in at the same time. Care to explain? Please comment below.
Besides the log in queues, the quest and stuff in Draenor is pretty cool. I finished all the quest in Frostfire ridge (horde starting area) and now my monk is already at 94. I wanted to get her to 95 before today but I was too tired to finish the other 50 percent of exp I needed to get to 95. I'm behind in questing but I do like my garrison. Got a couple achievements and got up to tier 2. I now have this stable and jewelcrafting and enchanting building in my garrison.
Even though I haven't leveled my lock, I do wish I could pick what races I wanted in my garrison. I don't want any human females or any draeneis (both male and female) in my garrison because I hate both of them. Other than that, I want a lot of gnomes and night elf females in my garrisons. I don't want any night elf males in my garrison because I don't like them.
Screenshot from Frostfire ridge

And some more. I need to take a lot more screenshots. And not to mention, I need some more mounts. Tired of the raven lord and huo mount. I just have bad luck on the drop rates in drops and loot. :( Maybe try going for mounts with 100 percent drop chances. And now that you can be level 100, I will be able to solo older raids like ICC for mounts like Invincible. By the way, I did not know you could get Invincible from doing the legendary quest for frostmourne. Maybe I'll get it on my dk or something. :P Speaking of legendaries, I will be starting the legendary quest for the ring on my monk when the quest becomes available. It's going to be fun knowing you can solo stuff you can't before like icc and dragonsoul and firelands.
Also there is the tier set for Warlords and the only one I actually like the most is the warrior one and paladin. The tier 17 set, battlegear of guilding light and blackhand's battlegear is what I will be adding to my tmog list tmog list
blackhand's battlegear
and battlegear of guilding light


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