Horde Wrymest Accord guild Supremacy kicks me out of their guild.

So I'll tell you a little story. I was in a guild in world of warcraft on the realm wrymest accord and this happened yesterday in a guild called Supremacy. A guy was recently kicked out the guild for stealing from the guild. Basically he was just taking out stuff he doesn't need and selling it so he can get a his flight license and he also told them officers what he was doing. Now I was questioned why I took out battlepets, the kok'ron helm or something like that, and a couple other things like enchants. I explained truthfully, I used the battlepets for my collection and the helm as an upgrade for my toon, the blood elf monk I was in the guild for. The officer or whoever was in charge name Linndrah or something like that said it was fine but kept questioning me about the enchants. Now there was 13 enchants in one stack and I took the entire thing not knowing I would end up taking all 13. So I mailed the enchants to an alt and I told her that, and my alt is Magicians on wrymest accord. If you want you can look up the name for proof I used the enchants. She asked me the name of the alt and what realm and I told her. I told her I could put back the enchants if she wanted me to and then she I don't need to if I am actually using them and I am! She responded back, your story doesn't add up, I wish you the best of luck and bla bla bla and then kicked me out the guild. Are you fucking stupid? First of all, I told her numerous times I would pay back the enchants and second of all I said I could screen shot for proof I used the enchants and she kept ignoring that part of the conversation. She said she doesn't believe me because something about the armory said I didn't use it and my toon was a level 8. If my screenshot shows I used the enchant, I think I am high enough to use the enchant. Don't call me a liar, you idiot. I'll link the picture in a second. Then she said I first said I used the enchants on my monk (the toon in the guild). I said I had a blood elf monk that use to be a mw and mw can use those enchants moron. She said end of discussion and I screen shot the entire discussion. That's great, so you can show the rest of horde wra that you're reason for kicking me was an excuse and you refuse to look at evidence. Well guess what, I'm going to let everyone know not to join your guild and you refused to let me show you proof. I want her apologize and embarrass her because she deserves it. She said me and this armslayer guy took things out of the guild bank that we didn't need when I used the enchants. Here is the picture of proof and also part of the discussion I fail to completely take. I want to ask her for the screenshots. I recommend no one going to play world of warcraft on horde wrymest accord join the guild called Supremacy unless you want to end up in situations like this.
Magicians-Wrymest Accord:
The rest of the discussion, well part of it:

I will expose the guild because I no longer like anyone in the guild and this terrible guild will be left with like 3 or 4 people. I hate everyone in this guild. 


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