What I look forward to my guild

We all have our guild where we want it to progress the way we want it. For me, the first thing I want is to get my guild to 25 but before that, I want to get more people my guild is kind of dead because my guild "We can be heroes" only has 55 people and no one is never online. I've invited over hundreds of people using the mass guild invite add on. It's handy but I need to promote the guild on trade and general chat. I'm a little undecided because I'd prefer if the guild was private.
The guild is designed for friends only, or close friends. Meaning everyone needs to be active and constantly communicating with the guild because communication is key. We just don't let anyone in the guild abs getting in the guild is a lot harder than it was before. After a certain amount of people join, we don't let anyone else join. So there is a max amount of people we want in the guild. Meaning I do not want even close to 1k people in my guild and 500 is pushing it. The reason is because I don't want to keep track of over 1k people in my guild to befriend and not only that, but in case of an emergency or something I don't want to look through the guild and through gchat to find them. So a couple hundred people is okay.
After I get the guild to 25, I want to unlock all of the guild awards and achievements. The guild will be doing heavy raiding, heavy pvp, and heavy rp. The guild will be raiding at least once a week because I want almost everyone to have the mounts and tmog pieces. I'll list rules shortly. Guild bank is open for everyone and obviously stealing from the guild isn't permitted and you'll be kicked immediately once proven guilty. Stealing is when you're taking shit out of the bank and selling in the AH for profit. The guild bank is used for you to take stuff out of the guild bank to actually use. That includes the gold. Put any extra cloth or potion you don't want to profit in the guild bank. I want the guild bank to be crammed so that people have lots of options . I prefer you think about putting things in the guild bank instead of putting it in the AH for profit.
We thrive to get all players in the guild to 90 and gear them up so they can do the raids and stuff the way they want to like Seige.
You must be over 18 to be in the guild since the gchat language is mature.
Do not tell the gm what to do because it's not your guild. Suggestions are okay.
No stealing from the guild bank, like said before. And you'll never be allowed back.
Guild bank should have a minimum deposit of 20k a day. Seems ridiculous but we need the guild money for purchasing stuff for raids and emergencies. No one will be penalized if the GB money is too low but it's recommended.
No racism is allowed or fighting please. If you're going to argue, don't do it in front of me. Do it in whispers and don't let that affect your attitude because you represent the way you act. That includes arguing with other guilds.
Once you leave the guild, your chances of coming back are harder.
If you leave the guild, you are no longer our concern or responsibility. Best be on your way out.
No one should be bullied or harassed or your kicked.
Do not spread any rumors about other people in the realm or other guilds. I don't care about them and they are not my concern. I'm worried about myself and my guild.
If you need help, ask.
Do not beg for gold because their is a guild bank but that doesn't mean taking out 200k when there is only 200k in the guild bank because now you're being greedy. You should only take out about 25%.
Don't spam or troll guild chat.
Never accuse anyone of anything or try to put them on blast in front of anyone without attention. That should be brought up with the gm. I hate attention whores.
No bribing or ass kissing.
Don't blackmail or internet mob.
Those are basically the rules. I mean, I put them in a blog post so that you can comphrend.I feel as though there most rules guilds follow anyway. I can't think of anymore.


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