I'm stuck in this predicament, and then it leads depression.

I'm totally in depressed state that isn't suicidal. I finally had the meeting with Carl, his dad, and then me and my parents. I hate my parents and I told him that, I hated them both. What was the point of having this meeting if they weren't going to change their minds in the first place? I'm pouring out all my feelings in this post and you're going to see my true colors. Like are they both fucking stupid? See the deal is, I want to go up there to Massachusetts to see him. I don't want him to come down here and my parents don't want me to go up to see him but they want him to come down here because they don't trust him up there with me. That's the thing, they are so ignorant and always think so negatively that were just going to go up there to have sex and I might get pregnant. I've already made it clear that I am against children and I never want to get pregnant. So why don't they trust me that I won't allow that to happen? My mother said because she knows how guys her. No you don't, you're just as deluded as the next women who thinks she knows everything. You don't know how all guys are and if you think he is going to persuade me into having......let's say unprotected sex where I get pregnant, then that really means you don't trust me, at all or you think he might rape me which is ridiculous. What's wrong with having sex with someone you love? As long as we are using protection, it shouldn't matter. You sound like you are completely against it. We were talking about it on Skype and my dad asks how old he is, he says 21 and then my dad asks him if he knows how old I am. Then says you don't see a problem with that? I'm 17, turning 18 in 2 months, are you retarded? Stop bringing age into this. I told him age has nothing to do with this and then he whispers, don't start with me because I can embarrass you right here. WOOP A DEE FUCKING DOO! Go right ahead and I'll embarrass you in front of the both of them too. It was really an unnecessary meeting to have because no one's minds was changed and they just want him to come down here. NO. There is nothing to do down here, at all. Just a movie theater and a couple of restaurants to go too. My stupid mother suggested we can go down to the city. What a hypocrite you are. You don't want me to stay at his house alone but you want me to go into New York City with him. We are talking about a major city. They all agreed for Carl to come down here (even him) except for me. Then my mom tries being all nice and said even he agreed. He only agreed because he has no other choice. My dad tried pulling the, put your self in my shoes. No, he can't because he is not a middle aged man like you. My parents think I am going to fall where they are at, no; I am going to be nothing like them if I am against having kids. After I told my dad I hated him, he unlocks my doors and tells me to go up there and leave right now, to go see him if I hate them so much because he is done with me. You know, I would love to and would do it in a heartbeat but I have a shitty ass school to go too. It's bringing tears to my eyes how overprotective they are. My mom or dad said they don't want me to go up there because they don't know Carl too well to trust him like that or they don't know the area. Um, are you mental? Him and his dad are in the same position too, they don't trust you enough or know the area we live in either. So all these points you are making are just excuses and bullshit.
Carl has plenty of things for us to do up there like going for runs, going to the aquarium in Boston, cooking, and etc. All there is here is restaurants and movies, there is parks but those are full with bird poop and just grass, not even a park. Not only that, it would be a miserable time here with him. My parents would check on us every second of the day to see if we are doing anything sexual. They are really dumb for letting him and his family come visit down here in this run down house. Tiles are missing, the toilet just broke (how is he going to use the bathroom), paint is chipping off the wall, we have no couch in the living room cause it had to be removed, the cable is off, pieces of the kitchen is falling off the cabinets. If I hate Westfield, why would he like it? And with my grandparents house, it stinks there and there is absolutely nothing to do there. My grandpa mostly just sits in this house all day and smokes. My grandma is literally always in he bed watching tv in her room, my uncle is usually in his room and so is my cousin. So basically they never leave their rooms and that means only the living room is left. Which means my grandpa is just smoking there all day watching boring ass gold or the animal channel. No rooms are ever available because there is 3 rooms upstairs which is usually occupied and 2 bathrooms. The living room, dining room, and kitchen which aren't spots to hang out in. Basically, where I live is depressing and terrible and I need a change for once. It's giving me a head ache.
I'm just tired of them treating me like a baby; I'll be off on my own in a couple months. And Carl messaged me saying how he froze up and couldn't think. I blame this on him too. He or his dad did nothing to convince my retarded parents to let me go up there. Now, I can't bother to try because whatever I say to them goes through one ear and out the other; they don't trust me. I told him to fuck off and that I don't want to talk to anyone right now. Fuck the world. You know what makes it worst and is the reason I started crying; my brother comes in the room and then says "Can you fix the toilet?" All loud in front of him and his dad. I'm so embarrassed and I hate my family so much. The toilet was broken since this morning because some idiot dropped a cap into it but that's not the point. What the fuck? Why am I always so miserable? I don't deserve this.


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