The hunt is on.

I got my computer back, partially. I have to give it back at the end of the night. I think I might be catching a cold and I rarely get sick. I got this icon for 1.5k ip (which I should be saving for Vel'koz ): 
Adorable! I want the other icon too but I need to buy Janna. I don't know, kind of obessesed with her because of that forecaster Janna skin. I just really love it every one else says it's bad. And if I want to do ranked games I need at least 16 champs to play. I have like 12? And I want Teemo, Caitlyn, Zyra, Leblanc, Ziggs, Syndra, Thresh, Lissandra, Nami, Orianna, Vayne, Veigar, Anivia, Blitzcrank, Brand, Shyvana, Elise, Fiora, Irelia, Gangplank, Vel'koz, Riven, Diana, Lux, and Miss Fortune. I don't want to buy all the champs because I don't want them all. I know that in order to play ranked games, I need to finish all my rune pages. Well, I don't have to but I'll die instantly if I don't.  I plan on signing up for the PBE. 


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