Got damn it.

I'm almost at level 30 on league of legends; finally; and I'm about to buy Fiddlesticks next then Ahri? I'm at 600 and I need 1350 to get him, and I am not buying him because of the dark candy fiddlesticks (which is awesome) but I always liked fiddlesticks and thought he was funny and I never sign out of my Skype so I keep forgetting the password because Skype is too fucking picky with passwords, like 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, and special characters. No. I need a job so I can start saving up to buy a ticket for next year's comic con and more game time for World of Warcraft and then save the rest for an apartment? It's crazy as it sounds I'm going to need to get one soon and it HAS to be in the city. I'm obviously going to be living by myself because it's clear I do not like people nor room mates or sharing shit.


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