I can change if it helps you fall in love.

I think it's the most depressing part of my life. I don't understand what I did wrong and what pisses me off the most is they never tell me why. How can I get over it when you won't tell me why. I calculated how many friends I lost and it's about 36 people and I'm 17 years old. Like some of them, I don't care if we aren't friends because we barely spoke but some of them, I've been friends with them for years. I can't keep a friend for long and I think from my blog you can tell why. I get pissed really easily and I have a short temper. I wish I was conceited but I think that would make it worst, but maybe then I would have more confidence. It pisses me off when people don't tell you what you did wrong becAuse you maybe one of those people who regret it for the rest of your life, like me. One of my best friends told me not to talk to her anymore and when I asked why she avoided answering. I started crying and got depressed. I'm over her and I wanted to be friends with her but now I don't know if I want too. I didn't want to go to school today either. I always blame everything on myself so when you say, it's not your fault....in my head you're a fucking liar. How many friends have you lost? I bet it's not more than me. I only have 3 friends online that I mainly talk too. I swear, I can change if it gets my ex friends out.


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